Eve market liquidity by region
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2025-03-12, 21:58:41

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Type_id An Eve item type ID Name Day turnover, millions Average turnover of ISK by item per month in this region Day volume Average day volume by item per month in this region Median price Average price over 3 days Sell Sell order price Bay Bay order price % Traider profit
44992 PLEX
40520 Large Skill Injector
40519 Skill Extractor
44996 Marshal
52568 HyperCore
11399 Morphite
48121 Triglavian Survey Database
57443 Meta-Molecular Combiner
28710 Golem
19421 23rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
4349 Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
28844 Rhea
30747 Sleeper Drone AI Nexus
28665 Vargur
37 Isogen
28606 Orca
28659 Paladin
38 Nocxium
81143 Magmatic Gas
25624 Intact Armor Plates
45635 Small Skill Injector
4347 Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
36 Mexallon
35 Pyerite
17888 Nitrogen Isotopes
28754 ORE Strip Miner
25619 Logic Circuit
25625 Enhanced Ward Console
30746 Ancient Coordinates Database
39 Zydrine
16650 Dysprosium
22428 Redeemer
16652 Promethium
40 Megacyte
17715 Gila
16274 Helium Isotopes
28850 Ark
28661 Kronos
30251 Neurovisual Input Matrix
62552 Compressed Gneiss
28846 Nomad
28848 Anshar
16651 Neodymium
30745 Sleeper Data Library
85086 Cenotaph
57449 Nano Regulation Gate
57450 Electro-Neural Signaller
16641 Chromium
20185 Charon
16644 Platinum
48112 Zero-Point Condensate
29990 Loki
31796 Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
16653 Thulium
33820 Barghest
18789 Coreli A-Type Multispectrum Coating
55831 Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster
19198 Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
15681 Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
40351 25000mm Steel Plates II
16643 Cadmium
54733 Thunderchild
47466 Praxis
22544 Hulk
29984 Tengu
35833 Fortizar
16648 Hafnium
83469 Guristas NET Resonator
17889 Hydrogen Isotopes
9848 Robotics
33472 Nestor
17918 Rattlesnake
31932 Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
85746 Infomorph Decryption Key
57488 Neurolink Protection Cell
19417 19th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
19191 Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
17738 Machariel
28444 Compressed White Glaze
17887 Oxygen Isotopes
57489 Enhanced Neurolink Protection Cell
47271 Leshak
12005 Ishtar
22548 Mackinaw
47975 Crystalline Isogen-10
15963 Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
19208 Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
22436 Widow
48582 Master-at-Arms Cerebral Accelerator
25591 Contaminated Lorentz Fluid
81826 Metenox Moon Drill
28363 Drone Cerebral Fragment
20161 High-grade Crystal Omega
28668 Nanite Repair Paste
31900 Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
16633 Hydrocarbons
26302 Large Trimark Armor Pump II
25590 Contaminated Nanite Compound
15729 Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
20509 High-grade Amulet Omega
18881 Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
34 Tritanium
19207 Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster
33846 Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier
81040 Avalanche
25612 Trigger Unit
20187 Obelisk
16634 Atmospheric Gases
30744 Neural Network Analyzer
15810 Imperial Navy Heat Sink
22124 Mid-grade Amulet Omega
54732 Stormbringer
25594 Tangled Power Conduit
41218 Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
2876 Wetware Mainframe
17559 Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
26448 Large Core Defense Field Extender II
2348 Gel-Matrix Biopaste
33818 Orthrus
31930 Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
57457 Reinforced Carbon Fiber
28752 ORE Ice Harvester
16683 Ferrogel
45999 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II
34328 Bowhead
4348 Pithum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
19045 Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
35832 Astrahus
17736 Nightmare
10209 Memory Augmentation - Improved
2367 Cryoprotectant Solution
2868 Integrity Response Drones
10217 Ocular Filter - Improved
10222 Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved
83473 SoE NET Resonator
48115 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB9 Dose IV
37298 Dual Giga Pulse Laser II
56139 Cataclysmic Electrical Filament
53714 High-grade Nirvana Omega
17740 Vindicator
20183 Providence
31366 Medium Ancillary Current Router II
10213 Neural Boost - Improved
25617 Power Circuit
2872 Self-Harmonizing Power Core
57458 Meta-Operant Neurolink Enhancer
28758 Sisters Core Probe Launcher
56202 Athanor Upwell Quantum Core
17920 Bhaalgorn
29988 Proteus
2346 Synthetic Synapses
4051 Nitrogen Fuel Block
41220 Thukker Large Cap Battery
22440 Panther
25613 Power Conduit
54975 Vorton Tuning System II
4246 Hydrogen Fuel Block
33681 Gecko
55932 10M Bounty SCC Encrypted Bond
2281 Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
17317 Fermionic Condensates
18710 Centii A-Type Multispectrum Coating
54753 Large Vorton Projector II
46000 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB7 Dose III
60459 Rogue Drone Infestation Data
62405 Compressed Fullerite-C540
22122 Mid-grade Amulet Epsilon
15594 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
16642 Vanadium
57452 Isotropic Deposition Guide
32309 Scorpion Navy Issue
60476 Radical Drone Damage Amplifier Mutaplasmid
12836 Transcranial Microcontrollers
46375 Daily Alpha Injector
31059 Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
19187 Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
638 Raven
30311 C3-FTM Acid
47891 Chaotic Exotic Filament
28756 Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
35835 Athanor
47700 Unstable Stasis Webifier Mutaplasmid
11578 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
14208 Domination Large Proton Smartbomb
22535 Inherent Implants 'Highwall' Mining MX-1005
33468 Astero
25608 Intact Shield Emitter
83471 Sansha NET Resonator
29986 Legion
83472 Serpentis NET Resonator
85087 Tholos
20505 High-grade Amulet Epsilon
16636 Silicates
33360 Terahertz Metamaterials
9832 Coolant
47907 Chaotic Electrical Filament
19282 Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener
53713 High-grade Nirvana Epsilon
33362 Nonlinear Metamaterials
41490 Navy Cap Booster 3200
28813 Mid-grade Virtue Omega
4292 Siege Module II
20160 High-grade Crystal Epsilon
4345 Gistum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
16649 Technetium
15615 Imperial Navy General Insignia I
33470 Stratios
16646 Mercury
56204 Fortizar Upwell Quantum Core
33359 Photonic Metamaterials
18883 Centum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
33577 Covert Research Tools
15632 Republic Fleet Commander Insignia I
53709 Mid-grade Nirvana Omega
20533 Capital Ships
2867 Broadcast Node
52252 Ikitursa
18945 Corpus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
16635 Evaporite Deposits
34489 ORE Expanded Cargohold
19295 Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
18937 Corpus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
30310 Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin
22112 Mid-grade Crystal Omega
18698 Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner
10226 Social Adaptation Chip - Improved
31928 Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
57479 Core Temperature Regulator
57487 Capital Core Temperature Regulator
20700 Michi's Excavation Augmentor
19200 Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
17732 Tempest Fleet Issue
57482 Genetic Safeguard Filter
62404 Compressed Fullerite-C32
30309 Graphene Nanoribbons
83467 Angel NET Resonator
22442 Eos
30488 Sisters Core Scanner Probe
44993 Pacifier
57444 Nanoscale Filter Plate
83470 Mordu NET Resonator
46640 Standup L-Set Reprocessing Monitor II
33329 Genolution 'Auroral' AU-79
34828 Jackdaw
41493 Capital Capacitor Booster II
53707 Mid-grade Nirvana Epsilon
27116 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-805
15806 Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
62406 Compressed Fullerite-C320
62463 Compressed Zeolites
17636 Raven Navy Issue
37631 Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
33529 High-grade Ascendancy Omega
47875 Large Disintegrator Specialization
54748 Medium Vorton Projector II
41201 Syndicate Damage Control
13935 Domination Ballistic Control System
19416 18th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
4247 Helium Fuel Block
15766 Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
47818 Unstable Large Armor Plate Mutaplasmid
11999 Vagabond
4312 Oxygen Fuel Block
17136 Ukomi Superconductors
78366 Alligator
28788 Syndicate Gas Cloud Scoop
12745 Occator
37292 Rapid Torpedo Launcher II
41456 CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
26374 Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
19038 Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
15955 Federation Navy Large Plasma Smartbomb
11969 Arazu
29344 Exequror Navy Issue
48113 Agency 'Hardshell' TB9 Dose IV
81920 Integrated Moon Drill Armature
16647 Caesium
25614 Single-crystal Superalloy I-beam
47903 Chaotic Gamma Filament
27148 Eifyr and Co. 'Alchemist' Biology BY-810
35836 Tatara
60473 Exigent Medium Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid
4310 Tornado
13969 Dread Guristas Multispectrum Shield Hardener
57478 Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal
62516 Compressed Veldspar
15895 Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
56140 Cataclysmic Dark Filament
18708 Corpii A-Type Multispectrum Coating
19359 Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
3542 CONCORD Capital Shield Booster
33475 Mobile Tractor Unit
62402 Compressed Fullerite-C28
16640 Cobalt
47270 Vedmak
3534 CONCORD Capital Armor Repairer
49711 Drekavac
54783 ElectroPunch Ultra L
57442 Counter-Subversion Sensor Array
16681 Nanotransistors
11993 Cerberus
24638 Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1005
42215 High-grade Asklepian Omega
28811 Mid-grade Virtue Epsilon
47914 Light Entropic Disintegrator II
41534 Zeugma Integrated Analyzer
25600 Burned Logic Circuit
17478 Retriever
25602 Thruster Console
53712 High-grade Nirvana Delta
11978 Scimitar
19419 21st Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
81046 Deluge
22470 Nighthawk
52312 Zero-Point Field Manipulator
30374 Fullerite-C84
19021 Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
35826 Azbel
28699 Malachite Mykoserocin
3898 Quafe Zero Classic
11961 Huginn
13937 Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System
28698 Lime Mykoserocin
11393 Retribution
20159 High-grade Crystal Delta
2050 Gistum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
62528 Compressed Plagioclase
25609 Nanite Compound
22110 Mid-grade Crystal Epsilon
33153 Drake Navy Issue
19687 Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-905
85979 CONCORD Victory SKIN
12731 Bustard
19147 Pithum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
57456 Pressurized Oxidizers
15891 Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
3689 Mechanical Parts
30376 Fullerite-C32
47514 'Horizon' Fortizar
34294 Polarized Torpedo Launcher
37306 Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon II
81083 Starsi Blast! Classic
2870 Organic Mortar Applicators
48114 Agency 'Overclocker' SB9 Dose IV
78369 Khizriel
48438 Unstable Large Cap Battery Mutaplasmid
3178 Light Neutron Blaster II
49710 Kikimora
2869 Nano-Factory
30375 Fullerite-C28
11985 Basilisk
22444 Sleipnir
16678 Sylramic Fibers
33151 Brutix Navy Issue
20189 Fenrir
645 Dominix
15605 Caldari Navy Vice Admiral Insignia I
47895 Chaotic Dark Filament
57476 Magnetometric-FTL Interlink Communicator
41030 'Excavator' Mining Drone
62517 Compressed Concentrated Veldspar
11987 Guardian
10216 Ocular Filter - Standard
46006 Agency 'Overclocker' SB7 Dose III
62383 Compressed Malachite Mykoserocin
47918 Heavy Entropic Disintegrator II
18979 Core X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
20125 Curse
20503 High-grade Amulet Delta
49741 Unstable Ballistic Control System Mutaplasmid
11541 Photon Microprocessor
47902 Raging Gamma Filament
53706 Mid-grade Nirvana Delta
34204 Parity Decryptor
28435 Compressed Dark Glitter
10208 Memory Augmentation - Standard
53711 High-grade Nirvana Beta
4346 Gistum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
85558 Glorified Unstable Stasis Webifier Mutaplasmid
10221 Cybernetic Subprocessor - Standard
22121 Mid-grade Amulet Delta
31061 Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
42209 Mid-grade Asklepian Omega
19556 High-grade Snake Omega
25621 Impetus Console
3756 Gnosis
10212 Neural Boost - Standard
56068 Proximity-5 'Extraction' Filament
2420 Torpedo Launcher II
45998 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB3 Dose I
12017 Devoter
14246 Dread Guristas Warp Disruptor
62529 Compressed Azure Plagioclase
52250 Nergal
19189 Pithum B-Type Medium Shield Booster
22456 Sabre
18975 Core X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
16637 Tungsten
641 Megathron
62382 Compressed Lime Mykoserocin
37180 Standup XL-Set Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I
85239 Expired Extended 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator
3057 Mega Pulse Laser II
56141 Cataclysmic Exotic Filament
41200 Shadow Serpentis Damage Control
35683 Hecate
34133 Multiple Pilot Training Certificate
25610 Lorentz Fluid
17476 Covetor
57486 Life Support Backup Unit
13939 Domination Gyrostabilizer
33361 Plasmonic Metamaterials
54749 Medium Consortium Vorton Projector
639 Tempest
62520 Compressed Scordite
27174 Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804
62400 Compressed Fullerite-C84
28680 Synth Mindflood Booster
15683 Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System
22430 Sin
86261 Breacher Pod Clone Efficacity
15770 Federation Navy 100MN Afterburner
3345 Minmatar Titan
30378 Fullerite-C540
3841 Large Shield Extender II
14268 True Sansha Stasis Webifier
19046 Centus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
3090 425mm Railgun II
53715 High-grade Nirvana Gamma
55826 Expert Cerebral Accelerator
22291 Ballistic Control System II
72811 Cyclone Fleet Issue
32006 Navy Cap Booster 400
25604 Conductive Polymer
33702 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit
31794 Small Core Defense Field Extender II
30993 Capital Trimark Armor Pump I
16679 Fullerides
34203 Augmentation Decryptor
47806 Unstable Large Shield Extender Mutaplasmid
15631 Republic Fleet High Captain Insignia I
87309 Vindicator Resplendent Coil SKIN
53710 High-grade Nirvana Alpha
42214 High-grade Asklepian Epsilon
31812 Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
15669 Imperial Navy General Insignia II
19301 Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
20418 Datacore - Electronic Engineering
62454 Compressed Bitumens
19335 Core X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
16638 Titanium
22130 Mid-grade Snake Omega
16246 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-705
47890 Raging Exotic Filament
18873 Corpum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
28780 Syndicate 1600mm Steel Plates
3239 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-806
53023 Ikitursa All-Stars Casino Clash SKIN
11971 Lachesis
56201 Astrahus Upwell Quantum Core
37627 Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
22464 Flycatcher
33844 Imperial Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
19550 Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1005
56143 Cataclysmic Gamma Filament
86263 Breacher Pod Projection
16682 Hypersynaptic Fibers
2875 Sterile Conduits
16275 Strontium Clathrates
15604 Caldari Navy Admiral Insignia I
14262 Dark Blood Stasis Webifier
16680 Phenolic Composites
11963 Rapier
11540 Quantum Microprocessor
10190 Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
46325 Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Stability I
3082 250mm Railgun II
11995 Onyx
34483 Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers
19231 Pithum A-Type EM Shield Amplifier
18985 Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
62464 Compressed Brimful Zeolites
42244 Porpoise
28801 Mid-grade Nomad Omega
24663 Zor's Custom Navigation Hyper-Link
19151 Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
35825 Raitaru
14256 Dread Guristas Warp Scrambler
41459 CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
30377 Fullerite-C320
81047 Torrent
22446 Vulture
32311 Typhoon Fleet Issue
54397 High-grade Hydra Omega
12743 Viator
28799 Mid-grade Nomad Epsilon
15931 Caldari Navy Large Graviton Smartbomb
9834 Guidance Systems
22468 Claymore
25593 Smashed Trigger Unit
22778 Warp Disrupt Probe
86262 Breacher Pod Clone Longevity
11957 Falcon
20353 1600mm Steel Plates II
15592 Federation Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
3140 Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1006
14244 Domination Warp Disruptor
19315 Corelum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
62521 Compressed Condensed Scordite
448 Warp Scrambler II
15673 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
40357 Capital Shield Extender II
53708 Mid-grade Nirvana Gamma
9838 Superconductors
18692 Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner
62467 Compressed Glistening Zeolites
2319 Test Cultures
20158 High-grade Crystal Gamma
49713 Zarmazd
47923 Veles Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator
12729 Crane
17728 Megathron Navy Issue
72812 Ferox Navy Issue
30372 Fullerite-C70
25605 Armor Plates
62556 Compressed Dark Ochre
19325 Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
45595 Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
22123 Mid-grade Amulet Gamma
16672 Tungsten Carbide
42208 Mid-grade Asklepian Epsilon
29340 Osprey Navy Issue
86260 Breacher Pod Launcher Operation
15661 Republic Fleet Commander Insignia II
83468 Blood Raider NET Resonator
52242 Zorya's Entropic Radiation Sink
28300 'Augmented' Vespa
16639 Scandium
47919 Veles Heavy Entropic Disintegrator
16670 Crystalline Carbonide
2929 800mm Repeating Cannon II
62586 Compressed Mercoxit
8517 Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
44995 Enforcer
46003 Agency 'Hardshell' TB7 Dose III
44 Enriched Uranium
22546 Skiff
3095 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-706
20507 High-grade Amulet Gamma
57474 Radar-FTL Interlink Communicator
33157 Hurricane Fleet Issue
31360 Medium Ancillary Current Router I
37302 Ion Siege Blaster II
33816 Garmur
16064 Caldari Navy Heavy Missile Launcher
18947 Centus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
2399 Precious Metals
2463 Nanites
2312 Supertensile Plastics
19686 Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Motion Prediction MR-705
25894 Large Trimark Armor Pump I
3344 Gallente Titan
3186 Neutron Blaster Cannon II
47448 C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System
21606 Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1008
57459 Hypnagogic Neurolink Enhancer
10225 Social Adaptation Chip - Standard
3119 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Warp Drive Speed WS-618
11965 Pilgrim
14812 Chelm's Modified Heat Sink
57128 High-grade Rapture Omega
24688 Rokh
14248 True Sansha Warp Disruptor
4405 Drone Damage Amplifier II
46005 Agency 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II
24698 Drake
12013 Broadsword
18676 Gist X-Type 100MN Afterburner
33141 Clone Soldier Negotiator Tag
19197 Gist A-Type X-Large Shield Booster
16062 Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
31724 Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
57475 Gravimetric-FTL Interlink Communicator
20157 High-grade Crystal Beta
56205 Tatara Upwell Quantum Core
41415 Fighter Support Unit II
28701 Viridian Mykoserocin
11577 Improved Cloaking Device II
17924 Succubus
2488 Warrior II
22571 Inherent Implants 'Yeti' Ice Harvesting IH-1005
32305 Armageddon Navy Issue
21640 Valkyrie II
28697 Golden Mykoserocin
47915 Veles Light Entropic Disintegrator
43775 ORE Mining Director Mindlink
17498 Caldari Navy Multispectrum Shield Hardener
56206 Azbel Upwell Quantum Core
37608 Pitfall Compact Warp Disruption Field Generator
14204 Dread Guristas Large Graviton Smartbomb
53705 Mid-grade Nirvana Beta
22559 Mining Foreman Mindlink
37294 XL Torpedo Launcher II
22109 Mid-grade Crystal Delta
3084 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-706
17482 Strip Miner I
17912 Modulated Strip Miner II
2410 Heavy Missile Launcher II
3146 Heavy Neutron Blaster II
81951 Consortium Mobile Tractor Unit
33393 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3
33394 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4
45621 Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter
28352 Rorqual
17718 Phantasm
16671 Titanium Carbide
47906 Raging Electrical Filament
644 Typhoon
30486 Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
37611 M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator
46497 Standup L-Set Reactor Efficiency II
45601 Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay
28810 Mid-grade Virtue Delta
4306 Naga
62560 Compressed Crokite
31952 Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System
31874 Caldari Navy Vespa
24640 Zainou 'Deadeye' Guided Missile Precision GP-805
60315 ORE Gas Cloud Harvester
33513 Leopard
17928 Daredevil
57477 Ladar-FTL Interlink Communicator
37610 Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator
3482 Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1006
16004 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-705
54786 ElectroPunch Ultra M
17930 Worm
52244 Veles Entropic Radiation Sink
77738 Lancer Dreadnoughts
32014 Navy Cap Booster 800
36911 Antipharmakon Toxot
25592 Defective Current Pump
41492 Capital F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
28381 Dread Guristas Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
16272 Heavy Water
28812 Mid-grade Virtue Gamma
41202 Sentient Damage Control
17895 High-Tech Manufacturing Tools
52997 Precursor Dreadnought
18939 Centus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
15210 Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
34202 Attainment Decryptor
33700 'Packrat' Mobile Tractor Unit
20414 Datacore - Quantum Physics
22474 Damnation
2871 Recursive Computing Module
31167 Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
2329 Biocells
62518 Compressed Dense Veldspar
54396 High-grade Hydra Epsilon
56203 Raitaru Upwell Quantum Core
17720 Cynabal
11379 Hawk
62455 Compressed Brimful Bitumens
4308 Talos
28433 Compressed Blue Ice
11989 Oneiros
17843 Vexor Navy Issue
32307 Dominix Navy Issue
3645 Water
22120 Mid-grade Amulet Beta
45626 Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor
26298 Large Remote Repair Augmentor II
19195 Gist C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
86264 Breacher Pod Rapid Firing
31378 Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
45608 Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration
62587 Compressed Magma Mercoxit
14258 True Sansha Warp Scrambler
28374 Capital Industrial Ships
17722 Vigilant
640 Scorpion
33842 Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
11370 Prototype Cloaking Device I
34282 Polarized Neutron Blaster Cannon
4302 Oracle
28678 Synth Frentix Booster
24639 Zainou 'Deadeye' Target Navigation Prediction TN-905
62530 Compressed Rich Plagioclase
30373 Fullerite-C72
47513 'Draccous' Fortizar
31053 Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II
11192 Buzzard
34590 Victorieux Luxury Yacht
20419 Datacore - Graviton Physics
19196 Gist B-Type X-Large Shield Booster
12019 Sacrilege
42213 High-grade Asklepian Delta
3775 Viral Agent
14072 True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane
57470 U-C Trigger Neurolink Conduit
14678 Estamel's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
16673 Fernite Carbide
62398 Compressed Fullerite-C70
48437 Gravid Large Cap Battery Mutaplasmid
19555 High-grade Snake Epsilon
2048 Damage Control II
85645 Glorified Unstable Warp Scrambler Mutaplasmid
17726 Apocalypse Navy Issue
12023 Deimos
25530 Neurotoxin Recovery
37296 Quad Mega Pulse Laser II
45589 Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration
86216 Stellar Surveillance Data
25715 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
31798 Capital Core Defense Field Extender II
73910 Elite Infomorph Psychology
519 Gyrostabilizer II
62456 Compressed Glistening Bitumens
2913 425mm AutoCannon II
15939 Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb
9842 Miniature Electronics
17634 Caracal Navy Issue
18819 Corelum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
72872 Prophecy Navy Issue
33140 Clone Soldier Transporter Tag
12747 Mastodon
41494 Dark Blood Capital Capacitor Booster
11554 Tesseract Capacitor Unit
9836 Consumer Electronics
14188 Dark Blood Large EMP Smartbomb
15887 Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler
16248 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-905
31926 Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender
62554 Compressed Prismatic Gneiss
33985 Prototype Hyperspatial Accelerator
28672 Synth Crash Booster
3092 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906
41525 Capital Flex Armor Hardener II
40662 Capital Energy Neutralizer II
15889 Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor
2961 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II
37480 Bifrost
28646 Covert Cynosural Field Generator I
53704 Mid-grade Nirvana Alpha
25606 Ward Console
12021 Phobos
77114 Metamorphosis
46639 Standup L-Set Reprocessing Monitor I
85878 Golden Nova Metallic - Limited
22460 Eris
13259 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-803
20411 Datacore - High Energy Physics
28807 Mid-grade Harvest Omega
17709 Omen Navy Issue
17479 Retriever Blueprint
42207 Mid-grade Asklepian Delta
21890 Skirmish Command Mindlink
14190 True Sansha Large EMP Smartbomb
18666 Gistum B-Type 10MN Afterburner
17480 Procurer
52254 Draugur
14238 Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer
3828 Construction Blocks
24311 Amarr Carrier
18865 Corpum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
60244 CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon
47911 Entropic Radiation Sink II
9840 Transmitter
33848 Sentient Drone Damage Amplifier
45633 Loki Core - Immobility Drivers
11487 Astronautic Engineering
24702 Hurricane
40349 25000mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
2185 Hammerhead II
12038 Purifier
28805 Mid-grade Harvest Epsilon
14146 True Sansha Capacitor Power Relay
37304 Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II
9830 Rocket Fuel
3244 Warp Disruptor II
12058 10MN Afterburner II
3683 Oxygen
19327 Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
14070 Dark Blood Multispectrum Energized Membrane
19345 Gistum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
11959 Rook
21888 Shield Command Mindlink
26450 Large Core Defense Field Purger II
33697 Prospect
1978 Tracking Computer II
2998 Noctis
31902 Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
19739 Cruise Missile Launcher II
33527 High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon
14136 True Sansha Power Diagnostic System
3779 Biomass
28434 Compressed Clear Icicle
28748 ORE Deep Core Mining Laser
19179 Pithi A-Type Small Shield Booster
14134 Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System
57483 Neurolink Enhancer Reservoir
19027 Centum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
28750 ORE Miner
18941 Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
41533 Ligature Integrated Analyzer
41212 Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
85238 Expired Potent 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator
14144 Dark Blood Capacitor Power Relay
3195 Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-906
27194 Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-810
25622 Capacitor Console
19009 Centii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
22128 Mid-grade Snake Epsilon
47683 Marshal SARO 'Black Troop' SKIN
15792 Federation Navy Tracking Computer
85747 Satori-Horigu Combat Scanner Probe
2361 Hermetic Membranes
14168 Dark Blood Heavy Energy Neutralizer
31876 Caldari Navy Wasp
49963 Nestor Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
42212 High-grade Asklepian Gamma
28694 Amber Mykoserocin
23805 'Thurifer' Large Cap Battery
2364 Heat Sink II
15465 Strong Mindflood Booster
30371 Fullerite-C60
19284 Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
62403 Compressed Fullerite-C72
17526 Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
34485 ORE Reinforced Bulkheads
37624 Corpii A-Type Small Energy Neutralizer
57445 LM-Composite Molecular Condenser
2082 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1
43694 'Augmented' Mining Drone
47734 Unstable Warp Disruptor Mutaplasmid
20121 High-grade Crystal Alpha
35894 Standup Cloning Center I
21027 Capital Cargo Bay
30370 Fullerite-C50
19693 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Gunnery RF-905
75279 Compressed Ytirium
2436 Wasp II
15893 Republic Fleet Warp Scrambler
3346 Caldari Titan
28700 Vermillion Mykoserocin
3347 Amarr Titan
3691 Synthetic Oil
46323 Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Efficiency I
37820 Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
40690 Sentient Burst Jammer
58950 Large Industrial Core II
12011 Eagle
2175 Infiltrator II
31866 Imperial Navy Infiltrator
17500 Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier
57319 Mobile Cynosural Beacon
41191 Sentient Sensor Booster
18829 Corpum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
11539 Nanoelectrical Microprocessor
19420 22nd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
15768 Federation Navy 500MN Microwarpdrive
12015 Muninn
17932 Dramiel
54754 Large Consortium Vorton Projector
14266 Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
31944 Republic Fleet Target Painter
20424 Datacore - Mechanical Engineering
28438 Compressed Glacial Mass
2969 720mm Howitzer Artillery II
15602 Caldari Navy Commodore Insignia I
14170 True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
15764 Federation Navy 50MN Microwarpdrive
14242 Dark Blood Warp Disruptor
19183 Gistum B-Type Medium Shield Booster
18672 Gistum A-Type 10MN Afterburner
22448 Absolution
34126 Prototype Jump Drive Economizer
3127 Zainou 'Deadeye' Guided Missile Precision GP-806
18933 Corpus X-Type EM Armor Hardener
62568 Compressed Arkonor
57516 Core Temperature Regulator Blueprint
37303 Dual 1000mm Railgun II
81948 Consortium Small Tractor Beam
47901 Fierce Gamma Filament
20186 Charon Blueprint
28377 Caldari Navy Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
30305 Fullerene Intercalated Graphite
19281 Gist X-Type EM Shield Hardener
621 Caracal
12816 Conflagration L
18849 Corpum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
40350 25000mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
14252 Dark Blood Warp Scrambler
2393 Bacteria
22111 Mid-grade Crystal Gamma
21037 Capital Construction Parts
47755 Unstable 100MN Afterburner Mutaplasmid
13924 Dread Guristas Torpedo Launcher
41210 Cormack's Modified Damage Control
46002 Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II
85549 Glorified Unstable X-Large Shield Booster Mutaplasmid
62524 Compressed Pyroxeres
22466 Astarte
27441 Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
15463 Standard Mindflood Booster
62522 Compressed Massive Scordite
28696 Celadon Mykoserocin
20501 High-grade Amulet Beta
14264 Domination Stasis Webifier
45614 Tengu Propulsion - Chassis Optimization
47807 Gravid Large Shield Extender Mutaplasmid
16273 Liquid Ozone
37300 Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon II
527 Stasis Webifier II
19288 Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
10156 Strong Blue Pill Booster
57471 R-O Trigger Neurolink Conduit
2398 Reactive Metals
62591 Medium Industrial Core II
28744 Thukker Large Shield Extender
19418 20th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects
26294 Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II
34206 Symmetry Decryptor
54395 High-grade Hydra Delta
12753 Impel
13920 Dread Guristas Rapid Light Missile Launcher
33526 High-grade Ascendancy Delta
31173 Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
21026 Capital Jump Drive Blueprint
37183 Standup XL-Set Laboratory Optimization I
31165 Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
62588 Compressed Vitreous Mercoxit
62564 Compressed Bistot
37625 Corpum C-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
3962 Customs Office Gantry
52313 Trinary State Processor
13945 Shadow Serpentis Magnetic Field Stabilizer
85478 Glorified Unstable 100MN Afterburner Mutaplasmid
56142 Cataclysmic Firestorm Filament
19321 Corelum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
19185 Gistum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
20410 Datacore - Gallentean Starship Engineering
24690 Hyperion
17713 Stabber Fleet Issue
28798 Mid-grade Nomad Delta
63140 Industrial Jump Portal Generator I
43681 'Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone
79186 Mysterious GalNet Crate II
14254 Domination Warp Scrambler
18831 Centum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
643 Armageddon
3214 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Gunnery RF-906
9941 Memory Augmentation - Basic
28674 Synth Drop Booster
21638 Vespa II
14236 Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster
60575 Quafe Zero Green Apple
18875 Centum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
626 Vexor
33904 Capital Transverse Bulkhead II
13943 True Sansha Heat Sink
32925 Unit W-634's Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
2195 Praetor II
24637 Zainou 'Deadeye' Missile Projection MP-705
15298 Cormack's Modified Power Diagnostic System
85654 Glorified Unstable Ballistic Control System Mutaplasmid
16669 Ferrofluid
73796 Catalyst Navy Issue
41487 Domination Capital Cap Battery
20416 Datacore - Nanite Engineering
62450 Shipboard Compression Technology
85089 SCARAB Breacher Pod M
42685 Sunesis
2401 Chiral Structures
37173 Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I
41215 Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery
47889 Fierce Exotic Filament
23025 Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
9943 Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
14206 Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
3693 Fertilizer
15290 Cormack's Modified Tracking Computer
33539 Shattered Villard Wheel
13998 Domination Multispectrum Shield Hardener
42206 Mid-grade Asklepian Gamma
19227 Pithum A-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
82186 Loki Republic Police SKIN
2456 Hobgoblin II
52694 Industrial Cynosural Field Generator
11269 Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
12735 Prowler
40661 Capital Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
27192 Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-710
47922 Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator II
33337 Promethium Mercurite
57447 CV-Composite Molecular Condenser
1405 Inertial Stabilizers II
25812 Gas Cloud Scoop II
24700 Myrmidon