Logistic assistant in EVE
Liquidity Planing S
The project is written on python django. I am parsing the EVE market through the API and calculating more profitable items. GitHub repo
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2025-03-12, 23:13:06

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Type_id An Eve item type ID Pac Volume Packaged volume Name Profit Average profit over day (Inaccurate metric) Sell Price From Sell price in The Forge Sell Price To Sell price in Domain Avarege Price From Price in The Forge Avarege Price To Price in Domain Diff Avarege Price Price difference between Domain and The Forge Day Vol To Average day volume by item per month in Domain Liq To Average day volume * avarage day price in Domain
40520 0.01 Large Skill Injector 3867.64 267.97 234943.23
28850 1300000.00 Ark 1402.25 0.90 10052.59
39 0.01 Zydrine 882.28 1553313.34 4781.10
22544 3750.00 Hulk 695.17 24.69 7957.72
38 0.01 Nocxium 673.90 4414208.07 6744.91
28710 50000.00 Golem 645.39 5.72 9289.89
28754 5.00 ORE Strip Miner 644.61 33.21 7220.69
11399 0.01 Morphite 632.22 80571.24 8056.59
22548 3750.00 Mackinaw 629.71 20.93 6973.36
57482 1.00 Genetic Safeguard Filter 627.21 17.48 1941.75
16272 0.40 Heavy Water 617.01 16586409.59 2699.16
28756 5.00 Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher 589.34 40.52 1907.70
35835 8000.00 Athanor 567.28 3.07 3181.39
28665 50000.00 Vargur 552.87 5.55 8404.52
48121 0.01 Triglavian Survey Database 537.49 247311.55 24731.16
81143 0.10 Magmatic Gas 535.39 738469.34 3190.93
4347 5.00 Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener 501.09 3.93 5753.53
28844 1300000.00 Rhea 484.71 0.28 3148.35
47466 50000.00 Praxis 452.21 32.03 7006.47
28661 50000.00 Kronos 405.50 3.52 5343.15
28758 5.00 Sisters Core Probe Launcher 395.51 73.14 2653.27
33359 1.00 Photonic Metamaterials 377.26 61310.48 1404.62
11578 100.00 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II 335.71 235.03 2174.15
20700 1.00 Michi's Excavation Augmentor 312.57 0.41 1147.72
36 0.01 Mexallon 300.69 72165331.79 6646.67
44996 50000.00 Marshal 292.11 0.55 8204.14
28659 50000.00 Paladin 282.37 8.66 13223.95
31796 10.00 Medium Core Defense Field Extender II 274.24 132.48 4081.35
17715 10000.00 Gila 269.46 23.76 5372.82
17888 0.03 Nitrogen Isotopes 269.19 1297931.69 1342.02
30488 0.10 Sisters Core Scanner Probe 264.07 3951.24 1890.80
15963 50.00 Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb 256.62 10.97 1995.02
28680 1.00 Synth Mindflood Booster 244.88 121.97 841.21
19208 50.00 Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster 242.65 5.03 2482.32
85087 5000.00 Tholos 239.68 1.28 793.99
16273 0.40 Liquid Ozone 237.09 7765085.03 1672.08
18881 5.00 Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane 229.18 1.97 2092.48
3218 10.00 Harvester Mining Drone 212.20 1.76 851.13
45009 8000.00 Standup Moon Drill I 208.27 2.48 529.31
54975 5.00 Vorton Tuning System II 206.86 17.52 959.23
41218 15.00 Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery 203.08 93.10 2489.39
20185 1300000.00 Charon 199.83 2.79 6176.68
45999 1.00 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II 197.72 106.55 1215.04
11192 2500.00 Buzzard 195.65 22.59 833.56
19191 10.00 Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster 194.88 3.55 2315.38
639 50000.00 Tempest 191.87 3.66 1342.30
4348 5.00 Pithum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener 185.94 2.62 1691.63
22122 1.00 Mid-grade Amulet Epsilon 183.19 2.00 649.13
33475 100.00 Mobile Tractor Unit 182.87 189.83 2260.21
35833 80000.00 Fortizar 181.69 0.07 926.21
81046 20000.00 Deluge 181.59 5.38 1466.43
20509 1.00 High-grade Amulet Omega 181.34 0.69 1177.13
33697 2500.00 Prospect 181.33 31.86 880.17
33846 5.00 Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier 180.67 17.48 1638.97
28846 1300000.00 Nomad 180.19 0.21 2180.48
28848 1300000.00 Anshar 180.17 0.21 2190.34
81047 20000.00 Torrent 178.18 3.34 1318.27
12745 20000.00 Occator 178.01 10.45 2259.06
4051 5.00 Nitrogen Fuel Block 177.46 57244.76 1365.10
3841 20.00 Large Shield Extender II 177.44 372.24 793.12
15955 50.00 Federation Navy Large Plasma Smartbomb 176.41 2.07 471.40
17887 0.03 Oxygen Isotopes 171.39 1890296.62 1636.24
26450 20.00 Large Core Defense Field Purger II 171.34 8.48 1133.59
31366 10.00 Medium Ancillary Current Router II 169.90 77.48 2175.41
29990 5000.00 Loki 168.52 13.83 3318.21
45635 0.00 Small Skill Injector 167.69 63.38 11144.99
16067 20.00 Caldari Navy Torpedo Launcher 166.22 1.62 324.15
78367 5000.00 Mamba 165.54 1.31 346.98
31928 10.00 Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender 165.30 43.38 758.44
86262 0.01 Breacher Pod Clone Longevity 164.86 1.24 298.85
19198 50.00 Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster 163.64 1.86 2466.00
33468 2500.00 Astero 161.96 25.14 2320.85
12005 10000.00 Ishtar 160.69 15.83 3300.09
18985 5.00 Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer 160.09 7.62 453.30
33470 10000.00 Stratios 160.04 10.90 2802.70
22428 50000.00 Redeemer 157.94 2.21 3102.04
23416 25.00 'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer 154.55 1.83 527.26
31932 20.00 Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender 153.30 54.45 1809.44
26302 20.00 Large Trimark Armor Pump II 150.04 11.14 1856.00
16680 0.20 Phenolic Composites 148.48 496030.34 705.69
17476 3750.00 Covetor 145.08 34.28 2257.73
83470 1.00 Mordu NET Resonator 144.46 59.55 294.83
31926 10.00 Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender 143.83 14.66 374.21
28284 10.00 'Augmented' Infiltrator 142.65 1.97 307.44
16681 0.25 Nanotransistors 142.12 207578.00 1033.05
33140 0.10 Clone Soldier Transporter Tag 140.75 28.17 712.84
14100 5.00 Domination Tracking Enhancer 140.68 3.62 292.27
85238 1.00 Expired Potent 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 140.47 17.14 811.87
11577 100.00 Improved Cloaking Device II 140.28 148.76 869.10
31930 20.00 Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender 139.95 43.14 1447.31
20183 1300000.00 Providence 138.32 2.55 6081.75
3756 15000.00 Gnosis 137.13 25.48 1255.65
19187 10.00 Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster 135.96 18.45 1388.65
17317 1.30 Fermionic Condensates 134.93 7368.69 617.75
33362 1.00 Nonlinear Metamaterials 134.70 30894.90 721.91
33900 20.00 Large Transverse Bulkhead II 134.64 11.34 554.58
24692 50000.00 Abaddon 134.03 3.72 1286.05
2867 100.00 Broadcast Node 133.63 428.76 890.96
4302 15000.00 Oracle 133.56 6.24 738.66
33513 500.00 Leopard 131.20 1.34 637.19
34483 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers 129.17 5.66 747.43
28788 5.00 Syndicate Gas Cloud Scoop 127.06 9.45 1194.26
28750 5.00 ORE Miner 127.06 4.79 925.21
86261 0.01 Breacher Pod Clone Efficacity 125.10 1.34 333.32
17559 5.00 Federation Navy Stasis Webifier 124.82 24.38 1558.85
11957 10000.00 Falcon 124.27 3.79 878.71
53713 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Epsilon 124.12 0.52 493.12
31812 10.00 Medium Core Defense Field Purger II 123.57 38.00 1187.19
17843 10000.00 Vexor Navy Issue 122.23 11.59 722.76
28811 1.00 Mid-grade Virtue Epsilon 120.79 0.97 501.88
30486 1.00 Sisters Combat Scanner Probe 119.89 1149.07 655.93
46325 10.00 Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Stability I 119.25 0.79 674.96
83471 1.00 Sansha NET Resonator 119.14 187.10 641.78
54749 25.00 Medium Consortium Vorton Projector 118.63 0.69 640.11
22124 1.00 Mid-grade Amulet Omega 116.36 1.41 728.57
22535 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Highwall' Mining MX-1005 115.34 6.93 1055.94
2175 10.00 Infiltrator II 115.14 488.59 692.65
644 50000.00 Typhoon 115.03 3.31 1136.85
18694 5.00 Corelum A-Type 10MN Afterburner 114.77 0.24 240.93
33360 1.00 Terahertz Metamaterials 113.64 33721.34 800.43
34317 5000.00 Confessor 112.38 10.03 872.52
20505 1.00 High-grade Amulet Epsilon 111.87 0.83 684.82
10213 1.00 Neural Boost - Improved 111.47 13.00 1579.83
86264 0.01 Breacher Pod Rapid Firing 109.05 1.21 223.05
19359 10.00 Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive 108.24 2.76 982.01
28813 1.00 Mid-grade Virtue Omega 108.18 0.76 676.42
28678 1.00 Synth Frentix Booster 106.94 70.21 418.05
49713 10000.00 Zarmazd 106.67 1.45 562.56
28810 1.00 Mid-grade Virtue Delta 106.37 1.17 370.11
80017 0.01 B-79 Entangled GQD 106.15 3599.45 114.64
58950 3500.00 Large Industrial Core II 106.08 6.83 1041.29
19021 10.00 Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer 105.96 2.34 915.28
20353 20.00 1600mm Steel Plates II 105.72 89.28 772.49
45623 40.00 Legion Core - Augmented Antimatter Reactor 105.41 7.21 380.61
31059 10.00 Medium Trimark Armor Pump II 104.55 61.93 1663.35
52313 1.00 Trinary State Processor 104.05 11493.55 367.79
52998 0.01 Capital Precursor Weapon 103.77 2.45 157.52
16062 20.00 Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher 101.97 10.72 791.81
54750 50.00 Large Vorton Projector I 101.31 0.48 331.28
81826 6000.00 Metenox Moon Drill 100.99 1.07 1015.31
33700 125.00 'Packrat' Mobile Tractor Unit 100.72 21.79 795.30
31378 10.00 Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II 100.04 88.62 846.40
28652 125.00 Covert Jump Portal Generator I 99.90 2.97 248.88
2929 20.00 800mm Repeating Cannon II 99.33 85.38 774.60
2410 10.00 Heavy Missile Launcher II 98.16 249.14 604.16
17918 50000.00 Rattlesnake 97.62 4.21 4151.88
34489 5.00 ORE Expanded Cargohold 97.47 1.90 632.88
78288 1.00 Expired Potent 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator 97.17 4.62 209.45
26374 20.00 Large Capacitor Control Circuit II 96.94 47.14 1691.93
83469 1.00 Guristas NET Resonator 96.66 269.24 695.27
47915 5.00 Veles Light Entropic Disintegrator 96.60 6.79 610.55
11987 10000.00 Guardian 96.10 4.34 1035.09
19278 5.00 Pith A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener 95.94 0.72 115.62
35878 4000.00 Standup Manufacturing Plant I 95.66 1.76 395.13
85237 1.00 Expired Basic 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 93.42 130.17 411.78
33141 0.10 Clone Soldier Negotiator Tag 93.00 21.24 733.22
53707 1.00 Mid-grade Nirvana Epsilon 91.43 1.17 489.76
14206 50.00 Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb 91.39 1.21 298.06
18937 5.00 Corpus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener 91.05 1.90 686.89
20060 2000.00 Amarr Control Tower Small 90.32 2.24 368.85
13969 5.00 Dread Guristas Multispectrum Shield Hardener 90.17 3.45 1006.81
31173 10.00 Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II 89.98 56.07 537.56
53712 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Delta 89.96 0.62 445.40
8517 10.00 Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender 89.89 119.48 602.15
57457 0.10 Reinforced Carbon Fiber 89.64 143803.00 1284.16
18975 5.00 Core X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener 89.56 0.79 316.45
11969 10000.00 Arazu 89.50 3.45 783.52
2185 10.00 Hammerhead II 89.41 515.83 643.07
86263 0.01 Breacher Pod Projection 88.78 1.14 274.27
20503 1.00 High-grade Amulet Delta 88.45 0.86 425.26
52236 5.00 Zorya's Light Entropic Disintegrator 87.30 0.07 151.52
35899 4000.00 Standup Reprocessing Facility I 87.23 2.24 155.05
43694 5.00 'Augmented' Mining Drone 86.36 54.07 781.33
22559 1.00 Mining Foreman Mindlink 85.99 6.62 401.51
49792 5.00 Frostline 'Omnivore' Harvester Upgrade 85.94 0.66 115.14
53709 1.00 Mid-grade Nirvana Omega 85.88 0.97 525.21
34485 5.00 ORE Reinforced Bulkheads 85.09 2.62 573.63
16678 0.05 Sylramic Fibers 84.13 2290217.17 668.74
57456 0.10 Pressurized Oxidizers 84.07 63752.97 575.22
47890 0.10 Raging Exotic Filament 84.01 58.45 575.06
641 50000.00 Megathron 83.31 4.86 1552.03
40 0.01 Megacyte 83.16 797106.93 3891.21
57478 16.00 Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal 83.05 9228.31 716.36
28801 1.00 Mid-grade Nomad Omega 82.31 0.24 340.75
54748 25.00 Medium Vorton Projector II 81.96 1.90 408.18
28752 5.00 ORE Ice Harvester 81.73 10.90 1980.12
4246 5.00 Hydrogen Fuel Block 81.65 83038.21 1796.95
22112 1.00 Mid-grade Crystal Omega 81.35 3.07 806.06
57471 16.00 R-O Trigger Neurolink Conduit 80.91 7.21 204.88
15806 5.00 Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer 80.84 11.38 988.13
35949 4000.00 Standup Focused Warp Disruptor I 80.83 1.24 128.17
49099 50.00 Zero-Point Mass Entangler 80.59 16.66 287.76
77114 2500.00 Metamorphosis 80.53 13.14 576.41
20160 1.00 High-grade Crystal Epsilon 80.07 2.21 853.20
47271 50000.00 Leshak 80.04 4.86 3160.85
3119 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Warp Drive Speed WS-618 79.99 0.28 247.84
10209 1.00 Memory Augmentation - Improved 79.51 13.07 1607.27
4349 5.00 Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener 79.45 10.97 4280.34
28809 1.00 Mid-grade Virtue Beta 78.96 1.31 201.69
11541 1.00 Photon Microprocessor 78.84 8399.10 551.71
12779 0.03 Hail L 78.67 540087.41 398.87
14142 5.00 Dark Blood Cap Recharger 78.48 3.86 213.02
33681 50.00 Gecko 78.46 11.41 2483.13
19038 50.00 Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer 77.92 1.83 786.81
28803 1.00 Mid-grade Harvest Beta 77.52 0.38 173.22
26448 20.00 Large Core Defense Field Extender II 77.41 12.14 1499.43
56206 50000.00 Azbel Upwell Quantum Core 76.28 0.34 1148.39
19295 5.00 Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier 76.02 3.52 690.74
54396 1.00 High-grade Hydra Epsilon 75.85 0.21 250.06
54828 0.01 Medium Vorton Specialization 75.19 3.45 185.00
42685 5000.00 Sunesis 75.10 24.14 556.25
45599 40.00 Legion Offensive - Assault Optimization 74.93 5.79 290.24
2875 100.00 Sterile Conduits 74.64 430.62 548.04
31167 10.00 Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II 74.62 47.24 583.88
13924 20.00 Dread Guristas Torpedo Launcher 73.98 3.28 305.78
37298 1000.00 Dual Giga Pulse Laser II 73.86 1.24 540.87
52997 0.01 Precursor Dreadnought 73.81 1.79 297.81
3962 7600.00 Customs Office Gantry 73.76 4.00 474.29
19207 25.00 Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster 73.08 5.03 2079.44
28272 10.00 'Augmented' Hammerhead 72.88 28.21 325.16
18945 5.00 Corpus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener 72.57 1.66 681.05
642 50000.00 Apocalypse 72.47 3.07 993.64
41217 10.00 Thukker Medium Cap Battery 72.23 4.62 291.12
3215 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Large Energy Turret LE-1006 72.18 0.24 225.03
2205 5.00 Acolyte II 71.89 1055.72 511.85
47907 0.10 Chaotic Electrical Filament 69.61 31.03 785.42
37846 0.50 Standup Cruise Missile 69.58 6006.52 179.88
83468 1.00 Blood Raider NET Resonator 69.30 47.34 262.77
11379 2500.00 Hawk 69.27 7.79 325.06
16652 0.05 Promethium 69.25 17801.83 1568.58
2399 0.38 Precious Metals 69.15 789028.79 689.85
85089 0.50 SCARAB Breacher Pod M 69.00 409.03 184.09
82302 0.01 Compressed Argil Kylixium 68.93 33517.21 85.87
47340 4000.00 Standup Missile Guidance Enhancer II 68.69 0.28 105.78
2961 20.00 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II 68.56 45.69 438.17
40556 1000.00 Templar II 68.24 12.79 241.48
14246 5.00 Dread Guristas Warp Disruptor 68.17 10.14 457.77
2281 5.00 Multispectrum Shield Hardener II 68.07 508.59 1840.32
34562 5000.00 Svipul 67.35 3.45 302.83
16682 0.60 Hypersynaptic Fibers 67.22 53902.69 583.77
78668 1.00 Expired Basic 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 67.19 76.55 210.31
33361 1.00 Plasmonic Metamaterials 67.12 19994.69 403.09
31874 10.00 Caldari Navy Vespa 66.86 221.38 454.49
41324 0.12 Null XL 66.85 4615.59 87.51
1319 5.00 Expanded Cargohold II 66.61 546.90 287.03
26322 20.00 Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II 66.55 6.41 396.34
35825 8000.00 Raitaru 66.13 1.45 936.37
85086 15000.00 Cenotaph 66.03 1.34 1560.06
1227 0.60 Omber 65.93 321713.66 187.60
448 5.00 Warp Scrambler II 65.89 242.24 624.66
18933 5.00 Corpus X-Type EM Armor Hardener 65.89 2.07 235.29
35826 80000.00 Azbel 65.70 0.14 755.08
19293 5.00 Gist A-Type Shield Boost Amplifier 65.63 0.59 197.04
33904 40.00 Capital Transverse Bulkhead II 65.61 2.17 494.62
31724 10.00 Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II 65.56 75.66 571.34
41251 1000.00 50000MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive 64.80 0.28 102.14
26444 20.00 Large Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II 64.78 1.97 88.23
53708 1.00 Mid-grade Nirvana Gamma 64.67 1.07 304.48
55826 1.00 Expert Cerebral Accelerator 64.47 0.31 842.90
20507 1.00 High-grade Amulet Gamma 64.28 0.86 263.93
54783 0.03 ElectroPunch Ultra L 63.87 5755.86 149.52
72811 15000.00 Cyclone Fleet Issue 63.58 3.31 574.04
41534 5.00 Zeugma Integrated Analyzer 63.10 3.41 1494.58
14238 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer 62.92 3.93 430.07
42207 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Delta 62.61 1.66 289.30
28805 1.00 Mid-grade Harvest Epsilon 62.45 0.14 176.87
2401 0.38 Chiral Structures 62.32 626107.90 539.04
16683 1.00 Ferrogel 61.90 26119.34 953.97
31952 5.00 Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System 61.85 6.83 275.21
19345 10.00 Gistum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive 61.76 2.45 379.72
42209 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Omega 61.69 1.10 567.93
42205 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Beta 61.47 1.83 172.95
54829 0.01 Large Vorton Specialization 61.42 1.76 124.40
33816 2500.00 Garmur 61.04 4.41 435.62
12791 0.03 Void L 60.55 480417.69 343.69
86260 0.01 Breacher Pod Launcher Operation 60.53 2.48 325.35
12058 5.00 10MN Afterburner II 60.44 132.31 533.97
85747 1.00 Satori-Horigu Combat Scanner Probe 60.12 14.45 266.34
14116 10.00 Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive 59.81 1.14 180.05
41212 5.00 Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery 59.71 24.31 398.72
20 1.20 Kernite 59.66 555967.76 563.51
15792 5.00 Federation Navy Tracking Computer 59.64 3.76 450.23
41201 5.00 Syndicate Damage Control 59.63 4.97 1166.68
45595 40.00 Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration 59.61 11.28 536.37
52250 2500.00 Nergal 59.23 4.21 710.46
16672 0.01 Tungsten Carbide 59.12 3612346.38 480.32
18883 5.00 Centum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane 58.69 1.66 1817.43
2195 25.00 Praetor II 58.47 204.45 471.53
35894 4000.00 Standup Cloning Center I 58.33 2.14 605.55
20158 1.00 High-grade Crystal Gamma 57.76 2.55 366.07
47903 0.10 Chaotic Gamma Filament 57.72 31.66 591.32
60473 1.00 Exigent Medium Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid 57.67 1.31 115.30
35940 4000.00 Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I 57.41 1.55 99.25
41322 0.12 Void XL 57.23 10889.76 141.57
47342 4000.00 Standup Ballistic Control System II 57.21 0.38 111.80
17930 2500.00 Worm 57.13 7.10 488.96
19284 5.00 Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener 57.12 2.31 175.21
27174 1.00 Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 56.99 4.45 663.89
31916 20.00 Imperial Navy 800mm Steel Plates 56.74 3.97 132.75
19027 10.00 Centum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer 56.00 1.76 695.69
45612 40.00 Legion Propulsion - Wake Limiter 55.92 5.24 265.32
37 0.01 Isogen 55.85 22338754.31 6678.54
47911 5.00 Entropic Radiation Sink II 55.58 96.21 357.86
28748 5.00 ORE Deep Core Mining Laser 55.57 1.41 312.87
19141 10.00 Gistum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster 55.51 1.45 113.35
20161 1.00 High-grade Crystal Omega 55.40 2.00 1664.75
2364 5.00 Heat Sink II 55.36 299.76 626.10
35925 8000.00 Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I 54.88 4.66 320.59
33844 5.00 Imperial Navy Drone Damage Amplifier 54.76 4.55 620.79
10221 1.00 Cybernetic Subprocessor - Standard 54.71 32.03 741.10
15810 5.00 Imperial Navy Heat Sink 54.66 17.93 1672.40
31790 10.00 Medium Core Defense Field Extender I 54.44 285.48 331.11
643 50000.00 Armageddon 54.19 3.10 1009.38
22291 5.00 Ballistic Control System II 54.03 454.03 703.30
18789 5.00 Coreli A-Type Multispectrum Coating 53.79 5.00 1017.96
22110 1.00 Mid-grade Crystal Epsilon 53.51 4.45 614.72
11269 5.00 Multispectrum Energized Membrane II 53.37 304.41 434.91
41214 5.00 Thukker Small Cap Battery 53.26 3.62 166.30
28288 25.00 'Augmented' Ogre 53.20 9.21 219.56
19200 25.00 Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster 53.15 2.48 931.83
87273 0.01 Breaking Point Parameters 52.70 149.72 1197.79
27447 0.03 Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile 52.66 104821.52 183.72
31125 10.00 Medium Cargohold Optimization II 52.64 44.34 465.34
52238 10.00 Zorya's Heavy Entropic Disintegrator 52.52 0.03 91.38
25890 20.00 Large Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I 52.50 6.79 108.96
46323 10.00 Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Efficiency I 52.30 0.66 506.64
24690 50000.00 Hyperion 52.17 1.62 555.55
19327 10.00 Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive 51.79 0.28 319.08
28808 1.00 Mid-grade Virtue Alpha 51.53 1.24 141.83
62631 1000.00 Large Moon Ore Compressor I 51.30 4.48 565.70
23025 0.01 Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 51.28 164186.14 181.10
13878 20.00 Shadow Serpentis 425mm Railgun 51.28 0.55 68.19
2398 0.38 Reactive Metals 51.21 989886.00 571.46
45614 40.00 Tengu Propulsion - Chassis Optimization 51.12 7.93 352.51
41332 1.00 Conflagration XL 51.10 8.86 88.26
4405 5.00 Drone Damage Amplifier II 51.06 381.07 717.68
28296 10.00 'Augmented' Valkyrie 50.86 7.21 173.65
45621 40.00 Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter 50.81 9.76 428.34
24438 5.00 Omnidirectional Tracking Link II 50.81 47.90 117.32
17709 10000.00 Omen Navy Issue 50.61 9.31 518.36
46002 1.00 Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II 50.46 92.76 323.48
645 50000.00 Dominix 50.44 5.79 1868.15
19193 25.00 Gist C-Type Large Shield Booster 50.31 0.55 257.17
11188 2500.00 Anathema 50.18 15.93 478.61
27423 0.05 Caldari Navy Inferno Cruise Missile 49.73 39670.97 118.35
25715 10.00 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II 49.68 270.52 500.82
2872 100.00 Self-Harmonizing Power Core 49.61 625.34 1296.34
19031 10.00 Corelum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer 49.51 1.00 159.66
3140 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1006 49.36 0.38 281.02
31880 5.00 Federation Navy Hobgoblin 49.24 117.93 204.44
23856 25.00 'Chivalry' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter 49.06 0.52 107.58
11545 1.00 Crystalline Carbonide Armor Plate 48.95 11170.86 139.38
3699 0.10 Quafe 48.90 1014417.07 54.83
13920 10.00 Dread Guristas Rapid Light Missile Launcher 48.86 3.83 281.50
47906 0.10 Raging Electrical Filament 48.83 61.69 445.02
62572 0.16 Compressed Spodumain 48.79 3310.97 121.07
12484 0.01 Amarr Drone Specialization 48.64 16.41 85.89
11553 1.00 Oscillator Capacitor Unit 47.89 1652.52 137.32
47902 0.10 Raging Gamma Filament 47.67 76.72 796.90
54752 50.00 Large Scoped Vorton Projector 47.60 0.10 144.18
3542 1000.00 CONCORD Capital Shield Booster 47.49 0.52 268.89
2998 20000.00 Noctis 47.07 8.97 1301.05
47298 4000.00 Standup Multirole Missile Launcher II 47.07 0.45 161.55
17487 10.00 Republic Fleet Heavy Missile Launcher 46.93 2.17 118.73
16679 0.15 Fullerides 46.78 845872.93 581.40
45617 40.00 Proteus Propulsion - Hyperspatial Optimization 46.71 5.52 266.88
11184 2500.00 Crusader 46.69 4.17 156.43
17928 2500.00 Daredevil 46.39 2.07 291.34
57128 1.00 High-grade Rapture Omega 46.36 0.07 131.59
18941 5.00 Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener 46.21 1.10 159.12
26436 20.00 Large EM Shield Reinforcer II 46.17 10.90 254.85
640 50000.00 Scorpion 46.07 2.00 557.78
519 5.00 Gyrostabilizer II 45.89 198.97 368.75
47927 0.01 Mystic S 45.79 86295.21 169.11
78669 1.00 Expired Potent 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 45.55 9.00 421.45
37627 5.00 Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer 45.51 1.10 315.66
16535 5.00 Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier 45.44 25.45 122.41
28798 1.00 Mid-grade Nomad Delta 45.37 0.38 177.16
14188 50.00 Dark Blood Large EMP Smartbomb 45.33 1.24 273.42
33896 10.00 Medium Transverse Bulkhead II 45.32 37.17 324.61
54402 1.00 Mid-grade Hydra Epsilon 45.31 0.28 160.41
57470 16.00 U-C Trigger Neurolink Conduit 45.28 9.66 307.16
1405 5.00 Inertial Stabilizers II 45.14 882.21 517.36
62628 1000.00 Large Ice Compressor I 45.07 5.72 418.35
17619 2500.00 Caldari Navy Hookbill 45.03 13.86 168.43
2050 5.00 Gistum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener 44.86 2.17 862.23
31165 5.00 Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II 44.85 97.86 325.88
11370 100.00 Prototype Cloaking Device I 44.65 164.24 521.99
41191 5.00 Sentient Sensor Booster 44.53 2.97 260.03
16457 5.00 Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System 44.52 37.90 194.54
28646 25.00 Covert Cynosural Field Generator I 44.32 29.76 495.16
13261 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Power Grid Management EG-603 43.95 10.17 233.02
20059 4000.00 Amarr Control Tower Medium 43.86 0.48 178.10
3057 20.00 Mega Pulse Laser II 43.82 99.14 954.54
19335 10.00 Core X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive 43.75 1.21 490.57
27441 0.03 Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile 43.69 161403.72 233.55
62624 500.00 Medium Gas Compressor I 43.63 3.21 236.51
57483 400.00 Neurolink Enhancer Reservoir 43.41 0.62 183.41
12237 8000.00 Ship Maintenance Array 43.33 2.24 109.20
24696 15000.00 Harbinger 43.15 8.62 646.80
12743 20000.00 Viator 43.01 7.14 1010.24
60314 5.00 Gas Cloud Harvester II 42.94 32.38 354.16
47891 0.10 Chaotic Exotic Filament 42.87 34.07 887.33
3895 0.01 Security Connections 42.80 5.34 158.02
53715 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Gamma 42.62 0.59 292.90
20443 1.00 Ogdin's Eye Coordination Enhancer 42.58 0.90 257.23
16670 0.01 Crystalline Carbonide 42.56 4092694.79 500.54
12032 2500.00 Manticore 42.50 12.41 364.88
26324 20.00 Large Drone Control Range Augmentor II 42.48 1.76 114.16
22442 15000.00 Eos 42.42 2.45 1101.82
41200 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Damage Control 42.17 2.90 671.53
33591 50.00 Mobile Micro Jump Unit 42.08 2.10 52.00
80381 1.00 Expired SoCT Capacitor Booster III 42.00 2.38 79.20
22456 5000.00 Sabre 41.84 9.66 548.38
16653 0.05 Thulium 41.78 13595.90 848.61
17500 5.00 Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier 41.78 5.83 335.77
25349 1.00 Strong Exile Booster 41.74 3.10 109.22
78670 1.00 Expired Extended 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 41.51 11.69 789.29
57455 0.20 Thermosetting Polymer 41.48 67041.10 174.89
1877 10.00 Rapid Light Missile Launcher II 41.42 203.69 247.14
28780 20.00 Syndicate 1600mm Steel Plates 41.34 1.97 223.35
55761 5.00 'Dunk' Salvage Drone 41.11 26.03 176.44
12023 10000.00 Deimos 40.81 3.00 669.08
3214 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Gunnery RF-906 40.79 0.28 205.18
85085 10.00 Medium Breacher Pod Launcher 40.64 3.07 138.10
3183 1.00 Zainou 'Snapshot' Cruise Missiles CM-606 40.54 0.14 129.40
20159 1.00 High-grade Crystal Delta 40.44 2.31 511.69
19194 25.00 Gist B-Type Large Shield Booster 40.37 0.41 166.00
42210 1.00 High-grade Asklepian Alpha 40.34 0.79 158.32
28799 1.00 Mid-grade Nomad Epsilon 40.23 0.31 221.58
78366 15000.00 Alligator 40.16 1.55 914.01
81948 50.00 Consortium Small Tractor Beam 39.84 2.62 405.22
17634 10000.00 Caracal Navy Issue 39.77 6.72 389.78
86105 0.10 Circle Carmine Matte - Limited 39.68 0.07 60.34
49710 5000.00 Kikimora 39.37 21.79 957.94
3095 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-706 39.04 0.48 336.10
47139 2000.00 Standup Firbolg I 39.02 6.48 121.24
21896 0.01 Republic Fleet EMP M 39.00 142065.38 142.53
15465 1.00 Strong Mindflood Booster 39.00 2.14 99.37
23803 10.00 'Censer' Medium Cap Battery 38.96 1.41 180.43
85152 0.10 Phantom Ferros Metallic - Limited 38.59 0.21 56.80
15479 1.00 Standard Exile Booster 38.56 48.41 118.37
16649 0.05 Technetium 38.21 26108.97 275.90
31882 10.00 Federation Navy Hammerhead 38.21 155.52 308.91
15895 5.00 Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer 38.18 9.03 820.06
37135 2500.00 Endurance 38.08 15.86 382.44
42201 1.00 Low-grade Asklepian Epsilon 38.00 0.62 111.25
26364 20.00 Large Targeting System Subcontroller II 37.98 0.41 50.17
2032 5.00 Cap Recharger II 37.85 293.86 319.62
28280 5.00 'Augmented' Hornet 37.76 11.79 115.58
21478 10.00 50MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive 37.75 0.52 184.66
25530 0.01 Neurotoxin Recovery 37.74 2.07 233.14
12532 0.10 Blood Bronze Tag 37.62 26.55 156.51
16213 8000.00 Caldari Control Tower 37.57 0.31 161.34
45611 40.00 Legion Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers 37.51 4.83 231.35
22534 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Highwall' Mining MX-1003 37.49 9.76 223.77
41198 25.00 Sentient Remote Sensor Booster 37.33 1.34 50.01
41220 15.00 Thukker Large Cap Battery 37.27 23.00 1541.24
27435 0.03 Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile 37.10 133282.21 207.34
28807 1.00 Mid-grade Harvest Omega 36.87 0.17 363.48
25812 5.00 Gas Cloud Scoop II 36.80 66.03 647.40
56203 500.00 Raitaru Upwell Quantum Core 36.71 1.24 1032.86
35922 4000.00 Standup Multirole Missile Launcher I 36.70 2.83 228.25
52240 20.00 Zorya's Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator 36.68 0.07 89.28
42208 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Epsilon 36.68 1.72 431.85
41456 1000.00 CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates 36.66 0.14 128.62
47332 8000.00 Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer II 36.66 0.10 61.70
3143 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Target Navigation Prediction TN-906 36.46 0.21 155.79
19281 5.00 Gist X-Type EM Shield Hardener 36.46 1.76 204.13
48437 1.00 Gravid Large Cap Battery Mutaplasmid 36.41 1.62 203.14
35892 32000.00 Standup Market Hub I 36.32 0.21 308.90
13891 20.00 Shadow Serpentis Neutron Blaster Cannon 36.32 0.38 46.66
12731 20000.00 Bustard 36.29 6.31 1372.81
19045 50.00 Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer 36.27 3.45 1939.16
42696 0.01 Shield Extension Charge 36.18 98960.38 93.94
54827 0.01 Small Vorton Specialization 36.15 2.45 85.21
28276 5.00 'Augmented' Hobgoblin 36.02 34.66 117.72
44 1.50 Enriched Uranium 35.95 81693.97 1111.85
17718 10000.00 Phantasm 35.92 2.55 657.00
16643 0.05 Cadmium 35.90 97376.79 670.63
19202 50.00 Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster 35.86 0.52 170.67
16064 10.00 Caldari Navy Heavy Missile Launcher 35.85 0.97 174.80
78324 1.00 Expired Tetrimon Resistance Booster III 35.66 2.24 61.89
45592 40.00 Proteus Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration 35.64 5.38 267.46
42206 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Gamma 35.64 1.79 187.29
81008 20000.00 Squall 35.53 16.07 407.71
11172 2500.00 Helios 35.49 10.17 305.83
47138 2000.00 Standup Dragonfly I 35.27 3.21 79.01
28674 1.00 Synth Drop Booster 35.26 53.21 197.27
57487 28000.00 Capital Core Temperature Regulator 35.23 0.90 489.39
45620 40.00 Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers 35.05 5.93 263.24
28282 10.00 'Integrated' Infiltrator 34.89 43.48 79.91
57319 400.00 Mobile Cynosural Beacon 34.88 12.83 526.99
22464 5000.00 Flycatcher 34.84 6.66 425.48
56141 0.10 Cataclysmic Exotic Filament 34.83 16.03 353.06
53714 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Omega 34.81 0.41 510.34
19197 50.00 Gist A-Type X-Large Shield Booster 34.78 0.31 324.76
14250 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Warp Disruptor 34.76 2.24 211.26
12038 2500.00 Purifier 34.74 16.66 519.21
31944 5.00 Republic Fleet Target Painter 34.68 6.62 228.15
31890 10.00 Republic Fleet Valkyrie 34.65 112.14 216.24
20597 10.00 'Pickaxe' Rapid Light Missile Launcher 34.45 1.38 51.80
45626 40.00 Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor 34.44 11.72 505.43
42204 1.00 Mid-grade Asklepian Alpha 34.34 1.90 122.67
85877 0.10 Midnight Mass Satin - Limited 34.34 3.79 38.84
63852 1.00 Expired Basic Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator 34.33 3.60 107.79
15466 1.00 Standard Drop Booster 34.10 47.17 195.86
33892 5.00 Small Transverse Bulkhead II 34.08 88.72 234.15
2551 1000.00 Plasma Command Center 33.73 240.28 59.61
33842 5.00 Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier 33.50 3.48 424.34
17621 4000.00 Corporate Hangar Array 33.47 1.86 48.56
31906 10.00 Federation Navy 200mm Steel Plates 33.46 5.93 78.17
40351 1000.00 25000mm Steel Plates II 33.29 0.48 269.86
18676 5.00 Gist X-Type 100MN Afterburner 33.25 1.17 227.64
60301 10.00 Complex Asteroid Mining Crystal Type B II 33.24 35.52 90.04
19183 10.00 Gistum B-Type Medium Shield Booster 33.18 2.45 276.78
40350 1000.00 25000mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 33.14 0.86 135.46
31089 5.00 Small Salvage Tackle II 33.06 19.03 214.07
16671 0.01 Titanium Carbide 33.03 2211764.31 266.00
14001 5.00 True Sansha Multispectrum Coating 33.03 15.07 243.44
19203 25.00 Pith B-Type Large Shield Booster 32.99 0.72 202.49
16262 1000.00 Clear Icicle 32.95 735.97 173.00
31918 20.00 Federation Navy 800mm Steel Plates 32.87 3.34 95.82
13817 20.00 Dark Blood Tachyon Beam Laser 32.83 0.66 50.04
43722 20.00 Standup L-Set Invention Optimization I 32.79 0.03 155.03
22570 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Yeti' Ice Harvesting IH-1003 32.77 2.41 81.07
42695 0.01 Shield Harmonizing Charge 32.59 72429.97 78.18
12787 0.03 Null L 32.57 371128.45 203.64
52252 10000.00 Ikitursa 32.57 3.28 1254.74
28264 5.00 'Augmented' Acolyte 32.53 3.90 160.07
19041 50.00 Corpus B-Type Large Armor Repairer 32.46 0.48 155.15
55025 0.01 Upwell Encryption Methods 32.29 0.72 91.14
14114 10.00 Domination 500MN Microwarpdrive 32.28 1.07 145.23
19204 50.00 Pith B-Type X-Large Shield Booster 32.18 0.66 198.99
84173 0.10 Imperial Gold Metallic - Limited 32.14 0.21 132.14
28672 1.00 Synth Crash Booster 32.04 75.55 272.80
14270 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Stasis Webifier 32.00 2.83 213.43
43551 60.00 Mining Foreman Burst II 31.96 46.62 164.10
24427 25.00 Drone Link Augmentor II 31.91 96.03 232.40
34207 0.10 Optimized Attainment Decryptor 31.78 43.17 288.51
83473 1.00 SoE NET Resonator 31.67 85.28 244.23
63140 5000.00 Industrial Jump Portal Generator I 31.64 0.07 110.97
21894 0.03 Republic Fleet EMP L 31.62 166407.34 240.96
33589 100.00 Mobile Scan Inhibitor 31.41 0.83 56.00
73795 5000.00 Cormorant Navy Issue 31.32 3.79 111.51
13929 20.00 Dread Guristas Cruise Missile Launcher 31.20 1.34 122.38
41059 50.00 Domination Heavy Stasis Grappler 31.16 0.72 186.21
11543 1.00 Tungsten Carbide Armor Plate 30.97 13988.17 140.71
54731 2500.00 Skybreaker 30.96 2.14 212.77
15965 5.00 Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer 30.88 3.03 298.23
25625 0.01 Enhanced Ward Console 30.83 402.07 2344.20
6160 5.00 F-90 Compact Sensor Booster 30.72 858.79 37.02
31936 20.00 Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core 30.67 4.90 84.80
19185 10.00 Gistum A-Type Medium Shield Booster 30.66 0.45 212.83
28292 25.00 'Augmented' Praetor 30.63 2.28 123.40
28746 10.00 Thukker Medium Shield Extender 30.52 1.10 106.50
2331 5.00 Shield Power Relay I 30.50 7.66 30.68
63853 1.00 Expired Extended Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator 30.39 0.63 122.42
440 10.00 5MN Microwarpdrive II 30.37 67.97 362.67
17212 0.10 Sansha Brass Tag 30.36 9.03 86.83
55760 5.00 Salvage Drone II 30.35 98.83 203.49
10190 5.00 Magnetic Field Stabilizer II 30.29 251.03 420.73
42830 0.01 Mining Laser Optimization Charge 30.17 215425.21 124.67
19301 5.00 Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier 30.11 3.21 676.20
26294 20.00 Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II 30.07 3.48 676.52
4250 50.00 Small Tractor Beam II 29.96 70.38 368.42
19323 10.00 Core B-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive 29.96 0.24 81.20
33394 1.00 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 29.93 1.28 338.36
33450 20.00 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II 29.88 79.97 324.16
18692 5.00 Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner 29.84 7.55 319.17
12019 10000.00 Sacrilege 29.80 3.41 795.34
9830 1.50 Rocket Fuel 29.70 52725.10 628.48
3224 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Large Hybrid Turret LH-1006 29.70 0.17 125.75
46639 20.00 Standup L-Set Reprocessing Monitor I 29.64 0.03 344.72
43726 20.00 Standup L-Set TE Research Optimization I 29.55 0.03 155.03
87208 3.00 Prime Conservation Canister 29.48 24.52 193.93
31872 5.00 Caldari Navy Hornet 29.46 174.48 255.47
47919 10.00 Veles Heavy Entropic Disintegrator 29.36 5.97 560.72
15770 5.00 Federation Navy 100MN Afterburner 29.28 5.34 286.85
18867 5.00 Centum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane 29.27 1.69 205.92
42212 1.00 High-grade Asklepian Gamma 29.14 0.55 194.52
76508 1.00 Expired Basic Capsuleer Day XX Cerebral Accelerator 29.11 44.31 201.58
73794 5000.00 Thrasher Fleet Issue 29.06 10.66 233.84
4292 1000.00 Siege Module II 28.92 1.03 216.46
5599 5.00 Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure 28.85 137.76 37.29
14256 5.00 Dread Guristas Warp Scrambler 28.85 9.31 378.61
21557 20.00 800mm Heavy 'Jolt' Repeating Cannon I 28.79 0.28 29.79
24632 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Guided Missile Precision GP-803 28.70 3.55 96.29
3033 5.00 Small Focused Beam Laser II 28.69 122.45 213.63
33522 50.00 'Yurt' Mobile Depot 28.67 1.76 86.56
47873 0.01 Small Disintegrator Specialization 28.67 12.21 67.81
27260 1.00 Poteque 'Prospector' Environmental Analysis EY-1005 28.64 4.97 153.31
14047 5.00 Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier 28.63 3.83 149.41
31664 10.00 Medium Projectile Ambit Extension II 28.52 1.59 43.49
43775 1.00 ORE Mining Director Mindlink 28.43 0.62 419.90
60313 5.00 Gas Cloud Harvester I 28.38 22.86 156.85
3256 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Power Grid Management EG-602 28.37 6.66 73.82
21480 10.00 500MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive 28.32 0.14 94.79
18943 5.00 Centus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener 28.32 1.17 136.04
19693 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Gunnery RF-905 28.27 1.59 251.39
10842 50.00 X-Large Shield Booster II 28.25 9.69 69.84
31640 10.00 Medium Warhead Flare Catalyst II 28.16 2.17 46.63
29015 1.00 Targeting Range Dampening Script 28.15 114.52 31.33
31864 5.00 Imperial Navy Acolyte 28.11 267.72 346.88
27339 0.05 Caldari Navy Mjolnir Torpedo 28.07 40914.83 136.46
47037 6000.00 Standup Siren I 27.96 1.28 66.77
27377 0.05 Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile 27.96 54428.90 131.26
23894 5.00 'Page' Capacitor Flux Coil I 27.84 0.55 92.80
14230 5.00 Dread Guristas Co-Processor 27.74 1.34 136.83
47140 2000.00 Standup Einherji I 27.60 5.38 109.97
2553 5.00 EM Shield Amplifier II 27.55 102.31 166.21
32414 5.00 Domination Target Painter 27.55 4.41 112.25
45632 40.00 Loki Core - Augmented Nuclear Reactor 27.40 6.34 266.10
47905 0.10 Fierce Electrical Filament 27.29 121.24 203.33
78287 1.00 Expired Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator 27.26 40.00 41.44
28298 10.00 'Integrated' Vespa 27.19 20.31 49.79
31171 5.00 Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II 27.17 52.90 188.98
22121 1.00 Mid-grade Amulet Delta 27.08 2.03 288.69
24348 50.00 Small Tractor Beam I 27.02 125.10 476.81
19554 1.00 High-grade Snake Delta 26.93 0.31 157.04
19181 10.00 Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Booster 26.79 2.00 199.71
19223 5.00 Pithum B-Type EM Shield Amplifier 26.72 1.45 104.72
18635 10.00 Discovery Survey Probe I 26.71 160.28 55.86
3127 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Guided Missile Precision GP-806 26.63 0.24 178.39
12803 0.03 Javelin L 26.48 48493.83 48.75
48744 20.00 'Subverted' JVN-UC49 26.40 0.79 245.78
25538 0.01 Neurotoxin Control 26.28 2.83 74.30
1832 0.05 Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 26.26 190873.31 78.40
14068 10.00 Shadow Serpentis Medium Armor Repairer 26.18 3.17 90.95
28274 5.00 'Integrated' Hobgoblin 26.16 28.66 43.47
46003 1.00 Agency 'Hardshell' TB7 Dose III 26.15 22.45 327.49
26088 20.00 Large Core Defense Field Extender I 26.14 23.17 124.72
14234 100.00 Dread Guristas Cloaking Device 26.09 3.45 136.44
80368 1.00 Expired SoCT Repairer Booster III 26.05 2.83 85.39
19263 5.00 Gist C-Type EM Shield Hardener 26.00 0.48 52.33
86106 0.10 Coronal Horizon Bronze Metallic - Limited 26.00 0.07 53.45
35943 4000.00 Standup Stasis Webifier I 25.98 1.69 53.92
28304 5.00 'Augmented' Warrior 25.95 9.97 85.34
54398 1.00 Mid-grade Hydra Alpha 25.63 0.24 69.26
27114 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Warp Drive Speed WS-615 25.59 1.34 266.40
17894 0.01 High-Tech Scanner 25.58 229.52 144.77
41417 1000.00 Sentient Fighter Support Unit 25.56 0.03 84.10
42215 1.00 High-grade Asklepian Omega 25.54 0.41 613.86
56131 0.10 Tranquil Electrical Filament 25.53 421.34 73.44
19421 0.10 23rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects 25.50 21.21 2812.35
80768 1.00 Expired SoCT Armor Booster III 25.47 1.97 71.91
438 5.00 1MN Afterburner II 25.39 114.66 319.45
47360 4000.00 Standup Layered Armor Plating I 25.39 0.52 70.30
56068 0.10 Proximity-5 'Extraction' Filament 25.37 72.45 453.10
27361 0.01 Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile 25.33 188946.48 200.07
19283 5.00 Gist X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener 25.27 1.48 44.23
76134 1.00 Expired Federation Defense Booster I 25.27 138.83 26.46
19347 10.00 Gist B-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive 25.26 0.55 129.31
86144 0.10 Lethal Navy Metallic - Limited 25.05 0.21 31.93
2446 25.00 Ogre II 25.03 130.14 286.04
2327 1.50 Microfiber Shielding 25.02 13428.41 207.47
26914 25.00 Large Remote Armor Repairer II 25.00 37.41 135.23
626 10000.00 Vexor 24.99 31.24 519.11
52568 0.01 HyperCore 24.97 1369.41 449.12
15891 5.00 Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor 24.95 1.79 272.70
54781 0.00 StrikeSnipe Ultra S 24.86 1836.76 47.46
47323 4000.00 Standup Anticapital Missile Launcher II 24.80 0.21 72.66
58966 5.00 Compact Interdiction Nullifier 24.75 24.93 55.65
26334 20.00 Large Drone Speed Augmentor II 24.74 0.52 37.79
31380 40.00 Capital Capacitor Control Circuit II 24.72 0.83 153.14
9947 1.00 Standard Crash Booster 24.72 28.93 101.73
62377 1.00 Compressed Amber Mykoserocin 24.70 642.07 69.56
41492 1000.00 Capital F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster 24.64 0.59 100.65
13805 10.00 Dark Blood Heavy Beam Laser 24.62 0.55 48.29
22460 5000.00 Eris 24.59 4.59 286.49
21025 10000.00 Capital Jump Drive 24.59 1.62 79.10
46005 1.00 Agency 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II 24.58 66.34 232.24
45550 4000.00 Standup Hyasyoda Research Lab 24.54 0.24 98.08
26310 20.00 Large Low Friction Nozzle Joints II 24.39 2.76 130.31
33894 10.00 Medium Transverse Bulkhead I 24.36 41.24 141.82
22130 1.00 Mid-grade Snake Omega 24.29 0.38 194.90
60315 5.00 ORE Gas Cloud Harvester 24.29 2.24 422.13
19555 1.00 High-grade Snake Epsilon 24.29 0.17 150.18
53711 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Beta 24.29 0.79 340.15
33474 50.00 Mobile Depot 24.27 111.55 248.89
15909 5.00 Caldari Navy EM Shield Amplifier 24.22 1.38 68.69
11963 10000.00 Rapier 24.18 3.69 779.10
33516 1.00 High-grade Ascendancy Alpha 24.15 0.97 202.57
3065 20.00 Tachyon Beam Laser II 24.13 22.90 225.20
25621 0.01 Impetus Console 24.05 467.86 374.01
54400 1.00 Mid-grade Hydra Gamma 24.05 0.28 95.84
16647 0.05 Caesium 24.02 25053.10 212.73
31532 5.00 Small Hybrid Burst Aerator II 23.97 8.03 40.00
33527 1.00 High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon 23.95 0.76 295.56
20062 2000.00 Caldari Control Tower Small 23.94 1.28 186.42
62466 0.10 Compressed Glistening Sylvite 23.87 88850.48 241.20
41058 50.00 Shadow Serpentis Heavy Stasis Grappler 23.84 0.93 117.40
17738 50000.00 Machariel 23.78 4.31 4266.24
20423 0.10 Datacore - Nuclear Physics 23.78 1082.10 117.51
15790 100.00 Caldari Navy Cloaking Device 23.61 2.93 146.20
45605 40.00 Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector 23.54 3.31 162.53
20499 1.00 High-grade Amulet Alpha 23.54 0.97 140.20
3094 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-704 23.53 0.38 60.50
54777 0.03 GalvaSurge Condenser Pack L 23.39 1987.07 82.16
48115 1.00 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB9 Dose IV 23.32 5.45 457.90
46487 10.00 Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Material Efficiency II 23.31 0.03 93.00
12735 20000.00 Prowler 23.28 2.93 423.39
16248 1.00 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-905 23.17 2.14 324.13
15477 1.00 Improved Drop Booster 23.15 3.72 52.44
14041 5.00 Domination EM Shield Amplifier 23.14 1.21 44.23
45618 40.00 Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors 23.13 2.66 128.10
37454 2500.00 Vigil Fleet Issue 23.12 2.48 46.03
54401 1.00 Mid-grade Hydra Delta 23.10 0.24 91.27
21740 0.03 Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L 23.02 99356.41 145.19
47352 4000.00 Standup Cap Battery I 22.98 0.66 43.86
60294 10.00 Variegated Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A II 22.98 92.62 90.88
80354 1.00 Expired Potent Capsuleer Day XXI Glamourex Booster 22.86 0.90 196.92
45633 40.00 Loki Core - Immobility Drivers 22.85 9.17 365.63
3265 1.00 Zainou 'Gypsy' CPU Management EE-602 22.83 6.76 66.69
26332 20.00 Large Drone Scope Chip II 22.69 0.93 55.50
27433 0.03 Guristas Mjolnir Heavy Missile 22.68 5356.90 27.69
19087 10.00 Centum A-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter 22.65 2.07 110.31
13992 5.00 Domination Thermal Armor Hardener 22.56 0.72 25.27
15478 1.00 Strong Drop Booster 22.51 4.34 118.92
48112 0.20 Zero-Point Condensate 22.45 39858.14 2335.82
10250 5.00 Mining Drone II 22.42 229.72 228.61
21097 500.00 Goru's Shuttle 22.40 3.17 26.26
54747 25.00 Medium Scoped Vorton Projector 22.36 0.10 44.73
31904 10.00 Imperial Navy 200mm Steel Plates 22.35 3.00 48.90
53894 1.00 High-grade Savior Epsilon 22.35 0.07 81.38
27186 1.00 Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-606 22.31 3.48 115.80
31486 10.00 Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II 22.30 18.72 70.26
19149 10.00 Pithum B-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster 22.29 1.28 70.43
47366 4000.00 Standup Target Painter II 22.28 0.17 35.60
11648 5.00 Thermal Armor Hardener II 22.27 15.90 58.66
22615 5.00 'Aoede' Mining Laser Upgrade 22.18 0.14 156.11
54407 1.00 Low-grade Hydra Delta 22.17 0.17 49.87
36909 1.00 Antipharmakon Kosybo 22.10 2.38 47.50
16451 25.00 Large Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer 22.06 53.72 23.34
2466 5.00 Hornet II 22.04 452.48 216.21
35771 5.00 Missile Guidance Enhancer II 21.91 43.03 82.65
47035 2000.00 Standup Templar I 21.86 2.90 60.41
45604 40.00 Proteus Offensive - Hybrid Encoding Platform 21.84 3.76 171.94
41415 1000.00 Fighter Support Unit II 21.83 0.97 190.90
61107 1.00 Expired Wightstorm Cetana Booster III 21.78 3.03 30.25
37844 0.50 Standup XL Cruise Missile 21.77 767.07 34.48
28576 5.00 Mining Laser Upgrade II 21.76 347.31 434.60
28438 100.00 Compressed Glacial Mass 21.76 948.93 248.27
19556 1.00 High-grade Snake Omega 21.74 0.17 262.47
13939 5.00 Domination Gyrostabilizer 21.74 2.90 225.24
25544 0.01 Gas Cloud Harvesting 21.73 4.24 155.41
21640 10.00 Valkyrie II 21.69 322.14 446.38
47028 1.00 Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 21.69 5.72 232.87
19553 1.00 High-grade Snake Gamma 21.68 0.31 99.66
25239 0.10 Blood Gold Tag 21.66 61.79 22.93
25608 0.01 Intact Shield Emitter 21.65 523.72 630.21
10631 5.00 Rocket Launcher II 21.59 184.14 101.39
27181 1.00 Zainou 'Beancounter' Metallurgy MY-705 21.59 0.55 98.88
11534 1.00 Gravimetric Sensor Cluster 21.56 1387.90 63.81
3092 1.00 Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906 21.56 0.17 123.04
31384 10.00 Medium Egress Port Maximizer I 21.54 5.62 30.24
12235 8000.00 Amarr Control Tower 21.53 0.28 184.48
31922 5.00 Caldari Navy Small Shield Extender 21.48 6.66 40.17
54745 25.00 Medium Vorton Projector I 21.40 0.62 93.11
31051 5.00 Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II 21.31 18.90 199.72
22923 5.00 'Wild' Miner I 21.30 0.45 50.05
85395 0.01 Weapon Upgrade Mutaplasmid Residue 21.28 52.38 38.40
16651 0.05 Neodymium 21.28 13699.52 954.40
19287 5.00 Gist X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener 21.26 2.00 45.49
47356 4000.00 Standup Capacitor Power Relay I 21.26 0.48 33.45
14254 5.00 Domination Warp Scrambler 21.25 0.86 131.11
28796 1.00 Mid-grade Nomad Alpha 21.20 0.45 68.90
20501 1.00 High-grade Amulet Beta 21.20 0.97 175.42
32047 10.00 Medium Drone Mining Augmentor II 21.15 17.07 190.77
20419 0.10 Datacore - Graviton Physics 21.12 2079.79 225.10
33528 1.00 High-grade Ascendancy Gamma 21.12 0.86 245.08
28300 10.00 'Augmented' Vespa 21.10 12.83 559.52
26440 20.00 Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II 21.09 1.17 44.36
24558 10000.00 Capital Ship Maintenance Bay 21.08 5.17 186.21
16537 5.00 Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core 21.06 35.97 73.38
12789 0.01 Void M 20.99 322258.55 80.81
21510 5.00 'Interruptive' Warp Disruptor 20.98 1.45 61.59
9950 1.00 Standard Blue Pill Booster 20.96 109.76 213.92
29340 10000.00 Osprey Navy Issue 20.96 6.90 377.35
15939 50.00 Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb 20.95 0.31 68.96
3488 5.00 Small Cap Battery II 20.93 55.72 77.31
28375 10.00 Republic Fleet Heavy Assault Missile Launcher 20.93 1.31 64.93
22949 10.00 'Love' Medium Remote Armor Repairer 20.89 1.10 62.20
2117 5.00 Burst Jammer II 20.84 36.83 97.05
78325 1.00 Expired Tetrimon Resistance Booster IV 20.84 0.55 30.71
62625 1000.00 Large Asteroid Ore Compressor I 20.83 9.97 256.12
18688 5.00 Corelum B-Type 10MN Afterburner 20.74 0.52 123.26
18682 5.00 Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner 20.73 2.76 271.41
22127 1.00 Mid-grade Snake Delta 20.65 0.55 96.40
12785 0.01 Null M 20.51 158714.55 50.94
6675 5.00 Small Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I 20.40 86.62 38.70
22436 50000.00 Widow 20.40 1.17 1530.39
32075 10.00 Medium Drone Scope Chip II 20.39 0.69 27.44
60716 1.00 Expired Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator 20.37 2.00 243.15
17720 10000.00 Cynabal 20.35 1.69 331.75
40349 1000.00 25000mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates 20.34 0.55 74.71
16648 0.05 Hafnium 20.32 36500.17 514.65
15693 5.00 Imperial Navy Multispectrum Coating 20.28 3.31 67.40
14043 5.00 Dread Guristas EM Shield Amplifier 20.28 2.34 33.96
19288 5.00 Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener 20.27 1.69 94.88
41330 1.00 Scorch XL 20.24 5.38 36.70
3276 1.00 Zainou 'Gypsy' Long Range Targeting LT-806 20.24 0.03 40.41
27413 0.01 Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile 20.17 103253.90 155.67
21638 10.00 Vespa II 20.14 256.00 336.73
43696 0.10 Blood Raider Strong Box 20.13 0.79 128.33
19117 5.00 Corpus A-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu 20.13 0.62 38.07
31017 10.00 Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer II 20.12 12.48 330.11
31614 5.00 Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II 20.07 6.21 36.76
33526 1.00 High-grade Ascendancy Delta 20.03 0.69 236.99
31712 10.00 Medium Projectile Metastasis Adjuster II 20.03 0.72 25.91
17392 6.00 Data Chips 19.86 1520.41 135.79
20121 1.00 High-grade Crystal Alpha 19.77 2.66 202.66
12102 25.00 Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II 19.77 16.55 113.84
1952 5.00 Sensor Booster II 19.73 188.17 279.84
31734 5.00 Small Explosive Shield Reinforcer II 19.71 5.07 51.70
47145 1600.00 Standup Equite I 19.68 1.45 33.77
22120 1.00 Mid-grade Amulet Beta 19.66 2.21 149.21
27188 1.00 Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-806 19.62 4.83 149.27
13830 5.00 True Sansha Small Focused Pulse Laser 19.61 1.52 27.98
42202 1.00 Low-grade Asklepian Gamma 19.56 0.48 40.25
22109 1.00 Mid-grade Crystal Delta 19.47 4.41 317.21
24694 50000.00 Maelstrom 19.46 0.93 345.76
13829 5.00 True Sansha Small Focused Beam Laser 19.45 1.07 48.82
2629 0.03 Scourge Fury Heavy Missile 19.36 231329.10 150.80
509 5.00 'Basic' Capacitor Flux Coil 19.33 0.34 23.50
47893 0.10 Fierce Dark Filament 19.31 127.10 28.94
31722 5.00 Small EM Shield Reinforcer II 19.28 46.83 137.68
47929 0.01 Meson Exotic Plasma M 19.25 40095.83 60.01
12801 0.01 Javelin M 19.24 130401.00 54.16
20413 0.10 Datacore - Laser Physics 19.14 3377.41 367.24
31183 5.00 Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II 19.14 39.72 115.11
42213 1.00 High-grade Asklepian Delta 19.07 0.55 251.59
83375 0.10 Elder's Bone Gloss - Unlimited 19.07 0.59 19.33
22875 5.00 'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer I 19.05 0.55 104.71
21368 0.12 Guristas Antimatter Charge XL 19.04 518.79 22.16
23039 0.01 Caldari Navy Iron Charge M 19.04 32395.62 39.89
527 5.00 Stasis Webifier II 18.91 170.38 326.79
34276 20.00 Polarized Mega Pulse Laser 18.87 7.90 198.29
62630 1000.00 Large Mercoxit Compressor I 18.82 0.38 54.20
19081 10.00 Corpum A-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter 18.80 2.69 37.64
9580 5.00 Compact EM Shield Amplifier 18.77 104.21 24.85
43701 50.00 'Augmented' Ice Harvesting Drone 18.76 4.00 134.33
5839 5.00 IFFA Compact Damage Control 18.68 205.76 117.99
14106 5.00 Domination 10MN Afterburner 18.62 2.59 129.18
19311 5.00 Pith A-Type Shield Boost Amplifier 18.61 0.90 151.21
45591 40.00 Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node 18.58 4.48 216.27
12200 585.00 Mobile Large Warp Disruptor I 18.57 3.34 104.95
45598 40.00 Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers 18.52 4.69 211.75
57119 1.00 Mid-grade Rapture Gamma 18.46 0.17 53.16
85397 0.01 Small Mutaplasmid Residue 18.45 437.24 28.91
31306 10.00 Medium Particle Dispersion Projector II 18.42 2.55 37.64
46635 10.00 Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I 18.40 0.17 139.59
31582 10.00 Medium Hybrid Metastasis Adjuster II 18.34 0.62 23.21
19043 50.00 Corpus A-Type Large Armor Repairer 18.29 0.38 187.35
11539 1.00 Nanoelectrical Microprocessor 18.24 3515.86 237.25
3257 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Power Grid Management EG-604 18.20 0.31 49.60
45615 40.00 Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst 18.17 6.55 270.21
45630 40.00 Proteus Core - Friction Extension Processor 18.13 2.48 118.95
13923 20.00 Domination Torpedo Launcher 18.09 1.45 47.06
21540 5.00 'Inception' Target Painter 18.06 0.76 39.06
35683 5000.00 Hecate 18.06 11.62 874.29
20601 20.00 'Noose' Cruise Missile Launcher 18.05 1.10 20.78
16061 10.00 Caldari Navy Rapid Light Missile Launcher 18.04 0.83 143.87
19341 10.00 Gist C-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive 18.04 0.52 115.51
62459 0.10 Compressed Glistening Coesite 18.01 129472.31 252.26
19029 10.00 Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer 17.95 3.52 239.54
10151 1.00 Improved Crash Booster 17.94 21.41 106.71
13240 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-703 17.93 4.28 96.45
41411 1000.00 Networked Sensor Array 17.71 0.62 54.31
2488 5.00 Warrior II 17.68 1093.90 485.73
33818 10000.00 Orthrus 17.68 3.59 1160.56
28409 0.19 Batch Compressed Fiery Kernite 17.65 708.93 30.72
26912 5.00 Small Remote Armor Repairer II 17.62 28.79 81.57
47898 0.10 Raging Firestorm Filament 17.60 51.76 35.12
13927 20.00 Domination Cruise Missile Launcher 17.59 1.62 62.60
45608 40.00 Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration 17.57 10.00 417.29
31328 5.00 Small Targeting System Subcontroller II 17.56 7.72 34.30
12221 10.00 Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter II 17.53 15.38 68.39
28439 100.00 Compressed Glare Crust 17.51 193.86 75.41
41314 0.12 Hail XL 17.51 18473.83 73.85
33826 5.00 Sentient Omnidirectional Tracking Link 17.50 3.21 118.66
11642 5.00 EM Armor Hardener II 17.47 14.52 51.00
3894 0.01 Distribution Connections 17.46 2.76 100.63
31049 40.00 Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump II 17.35 0.14 146.71
19339 10.00 Gistum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive 17.33 1.83 267.11
380 5.00 Small Shield Extender II 17.32 105.45 56.24
21512 5.00 'Delineative' Warp Scrambler 17.29 0.86 42.92
22128 1.00 Mid-grade Snake Epsilon 17.23 0.45 119.70
86216 0.01 Stellar Surveillance Data 17.22 216.21 648.62
19416 0.10 18th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects 17.19 28.03 1188.38
15848 20.00 Ammatar Navy Mega Beam Laser 17.19 0.48 20.76
47141 2000.00 Standup Templar II 17.18 0.66 36.68
31784 10.00 Medium Core Defense Charge Economizer II 17.12 0.24 17.69
8027 10.00 Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher 17.11 90.38 65.21
17482 25.00 Strip Miner I 17.10 180.66 1109.16
19550 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1005 17.09 2.28 334.56
3100 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Navigation NN-606 17.09 0.03 24.14
46327 20.00 Standup L-Set Moon Drilling Proficiency I 17.07 0.03 241.03
26434 20.00 Large Projectile Metastasis Adjuster II 17.00 0.55 54.97
1944 20000.00 Bestower 16.99 15.14 64.12
40558 1000.00 Firbolg II 16.97 4.31 71.53
22126 1.00 Mid-grade Snake Beta 16.87 0.41 41.40
28731 5.00 Legion Multispectral ECM 16.86 0.38 25.41
28294 10.00 'Integrated' Valkyrie 16.85 28.34 35.58
14260 5.00 Shadow Serpentis Warp Scrambler 16.84 1.83 129.04
2404 5.00 Light Missile Launcher II 16.79 181.86 246.73
31053 10.00 Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II 16.72 24.83 1032.42
3831 10.00 Medium Shield Extender II 16.67 265.93 347.13
54399 1.00 Mid-grade Hydra Beta 16.65 0.24 67.88
13994 5.00 Domination EM Shield Hardener 16.61 1.79 34.46
33101 10.00 Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer 16.59 57.83 73.97
23527 25.00 Drone Link Augmentor I 16.58 156.00 99.04
24698 15000.00 Drake 16.57 11.28 849.19
41493 1000.00 Capital Capacitor Booster II 16.55 1.21 242.61
46356 10.00 Ubiquitous Moon Mining Crystal Type A II 16.54 125.00 151.71
53891 1.00 High-grade Savior Beta 16.54 0.07 38.56
40635 2000.00 Stasis Webification Burst Projector 16.52 0.03 24.10
13244 1.00 Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-903 16.51 6.55 144.28
19407 0.10 8th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects 16.48 437.52 525.02
26890 195.00 Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor II 16.47 3.10 72.20
47914 5.00 Light Entropic Disintegrator II 16.46 21.72 800.27
15889 5.00 Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor 16.39 6.10 356.29
3137 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1004 16.39 0.28 42.87
20280 1000.00 Siege Module I 16.39 0.31 53.88
48582 1.00 Master-at-Arms Cerebral Accelerator 16.38 31.59 2646.14
6811 10.00 Focused Anode Pulse Particle Stream I 16.38 19.28 42.59
12011 10000.00 Eagle 16.35 2.17 446.25
18637 5.00 Gaze Survey Probe I 16.35 252.10 104.40
26420 20.00 Large Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II 16.34 1.03 65.78
15864 5.00 Imperial Navy Small Focused Pulse Laser 16.31 0.48 18.59
32006 12.00 Navy Cap Booster 400 16.29 3418.00 410.16
18895 5.00 Centus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener 16.29 0.52 146.00
47348 4000.00 Standup Signal Amplifier II 16.28 0.17 27.34
33529 1.00 High-grade Ascendancy Omega 16.24 0.03 171.41
37452 5.00 ORE Ice Mining Laser 16.23 1.52 101.34
3237 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-802 16.22 1.00 26.29
21918 0.03 Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L 16.21 77939.38 115.32
37300 1000.00 Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon II 16.18 0.31 137.46
573 50.00 Neutron Blaster Cannon I 16.15 11.45 45.55
60464 1.00 Exigent Heavy Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid 16.09 0.66 24.03
61083 1.00 Expired Basic 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator 15.90 67.00 43.73
27453 0.03 Caldari Navy Nova Heavy Missile 15.90 70348.93 97.97
75287 0.16 Compressed Ducinium 15.89 7194.86 56.82
17713 10000.00 Stabber Fleet Issue 15.89 4.76 261.72
60461 1.00 Exigent Light Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid 15.87 6.34 23.73
32307 50000.00 Dominix Navy Issue 15.84 1.76 961.54
648 20000.00 Badger 15.79 11.24 26.94
41486 1000.00 Capital Cap Battery II 15.76 1.10 48.95
17769 0.20 Fluxed Condensates 15.75 1962.83 75.14
28804 1.00 Mid-grade Harvest Delta 15.74 0.14 89.60
16229 15000.00 Brutix 15.71 4.41 340.70
3162 5.00 Light Electron Blaster II 15.64 39.10 38.03
31057 5.00 Small Trimark Armor Pump II 15.64 31.00 307.85
57475 100.00 Gravimetric-FTL Interlink Communicator 15.64 0.45 85.47
24637 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Missile Projection MP-705 15.63 1.10 167.60
33852 25.00 Sentient Drone Navigation Computer 15.58 2.45 97.37
47334 4000.00 Standup Focused Warp Disruptor II 15.58 0.24 57.15
77738 0.01 Lancer Dreadnoughts 15.58 0.48 1236.67
12805 0.01 Spike M 15.50 164854.31 60.02
28290 25.00 'Integrated' Praetor 15.49 13.24 34.23
53710 1.00 High-grade Nirvana Alpha 15.49 0.86 301.34
37155 10.00 Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency II 15.48 0.03 96.52
22983 0.01 Federation Navy Thorium Charge M 15.45 1342.24 16.48
25617 0.01 Power Circuit 15.43 3105.79 779.86
19325 10.00 Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive 15.41 6.66 286.21
2589 1.00 Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 15.40 1.97 210.13
31604 5.00 Small Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II 15.38 10.86 43.20
26358 20.00 Large Ionic Field Projector II 15.38 0.86 50.04
13259 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-803 15.35 11.52 260.09
15675 5.00 Caldari Navy Co-Processor 15.33 0.90 101.96
27347 0.05 Dread Guristas Scourge Torpedo 15.31 343.59 23.13
18660 5.00 Gistum C-Type 10MN Afterburner 15.29 2.00 179.74
8869 5.00 200mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon 15.27 39.93 19.01
79186 0.10 Mysterious GalNet Crate II 15.22 0.41 32.02
33848 5.00 Sentient Drone Damage Amplifier 15.22 3.41 355.70
23418 5.00 'Radical' Damage Control 15.18 1.21 117.65
27179 1.00 Zainou 'Beancounter' Research RR-605 15.16 0.69 114.76
3258 1.00 Inherent Implants 'Squire' Power Grid Management EG-606 15.15 0.10 79.94
62590 3500.00 Medium Industrial Core I 15.12 7.93 147.74
20565 100.00 Improved 'Guise' Cloaking Device II 15.06 0.86 52.68
62626 1000.00 Large Gas Compressor I 15.06 0.90 112.93
27198 1.00 Poteque 'Prospector' Salvaging SV-905 15.05 1.34 50.63
19219 5.00 Pithum B-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier 15.03 1.62 21.03
22135 1.00 Mid-grade Talisman Epsilon 15.02 0.59 104.64
19264 5.00 Pith C-Type EM Shield Hardener 14.99 0.45 58.22
57488 5500.00 Neurolink Protection Cell 14.99 0.10 187.97
62591 3500.00 Medium Industrial Core II 14.99 7.93 577.75
56204 50000.00 Fortizar Upwell Quantum Core 14.97 0.21 862.07
28800 1.00 Mid-grade Nomad Gamma 14.93 0.48 118.64
27371 0.01 Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile 14.90 104814.86 105.15
11563 20.00 Micro Auxiliary Power Core I 14.85 64.14 43.00
13221 1.00 Zainou 'Deadeye' Medium Hybrid Turret MH-803 14.81 0.69 32.91
26418 20.00 Large Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II 14.80 0.69 45.04
33149 4000.00 Personal Hangar Array 14.77 0.52 20.69
12733 20000.00 Prorator 14.77 3.38 528.33
25896 20.00 Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I 14.72 13.10 141.44
19551 1.00 High-grade Snake Beta 14.71 0.31 68.95
41196 5.00 Sentient Signal Amplifier 14.69 3.17 114.56
19143 10.00 Gistum B-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster 14.66 1.21 76.44
37805 5.00 Republic Fleet Shield Recharger 14.65 4.14 112.05